Disney Plus: Iron Man and the 15 best superhero titles to stream at launch

Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron..L to R: Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) ..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel 2015
Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron..L to R: Thor (Chris Hemsworth), Iron Man/Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.) and Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) ..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel 2015
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Disney Plus
From the pages of world renowned Marvel Comics comes one of the mightiest and most successful defenders ever to live, “Iron Man.” This animated series is packed with all the excitement and adventure viewers have come to expect, and features a cadre of talented voice actors. Behind the mask of Iron Man is TONY STARK — dashing billionaire, brilliant inventor and industrialist. Suffering from massive injuries, Stark created for himself a suit of highly sophisticated armor which imbues him with superhuman powers. Assisting Iron Man in an endless struggle against THE MANDARIN, a mysterious and treacherous villian who leads a consortium of the world’s most nefarious bad guys, are WAR MACHINE, SPIDER-WOMAN, SCARLET WITCH, HAWKEYE and CENTURY. Our heroes have their hands full, as the Mandarin is aided and abetted by some of the most merciless menaces around. The Mandarin tries to destroy the world that Tony Stark is working to improve and IRON MAN is struggling to protect.. Image Courtesy Disney Media Distribution

12. Iron Man – Series (1994)

A catchy intro is something that cartoon fans will always hold onto. Almost everyone knows the intro to Ducktales. When that song goes off it’s difficult not to sing along. Among the great cartoon intros is Iron Man’s theme from the 1994 cartoon. Not the first one — that one was terrible. The one that survived the test of time was hardcore. It worked better with a shirtless, long-haired Tony Stark banging a hammer on a mold to create his armor.

The Iron Man cartoon was a traditional 1990’s cartoon. Even the animation looked like everything that was already out there. What made this special was the story. It was a lot deeper than what we were used to seeing. Tony wasn’t as funny as he is now, but it may be a nice change of pace — particularly for viewers who don’t know about Tony Stark other than his time in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

There’s also the various Iron Man armors that he used throughout. Stark had a suit for every occasion. He had a hydro-suit, a lava suit, one for stealth and more. They all didn’t have his typical color scheme either. I guess the artist got tired of drawing red and yellow and who can blame them?