Top 10 characters that need to be on DC Super Hero High

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Raven in Titans No. 36 (Credit: DC Comics)
Raven in Titans No. 36 (Credit: DC Comics) /

4. Raven / Starfire

The Teen Titans are a well-beloved superhero team amongst comic book fans. Two of the most popular female characters are Raven and Starfire, and it’s hard to imagine one without the other.

As a 4a entry, Blackfire could be included as well, giving Elizabeth Banks a sibling rivalry to play with. Many adaptations show the complex relationship Blackfire and Starfire, with the latter exhibiting a love/hate attitude towards her sister.

What has been consistent throughout many Teen Titans adaptations is the friendship Raven and Starfire share. The idea of opposites attract follows suit in this case, with Raven being an antisocial person and Starfire being an extrovert who shows a lot of curiosity towards Earth and Earth customs.

The inclusion of other Teen Titans members is possible, as well. Beast Boy and Cyborg could fit in a high school environment, with Beast Boy playing a prankster type and Cyborg either being the smart kid in class or the school jock or a mix of the two.

DC Super Hero High would be remiss if they did not include at least two or three Teen Titans characters, and Raven and Starfire need to be included.