V for Vendetta is still a flawless movie thirteen years later. Here are four reasons why this will always be the perfect movie.
"No one will ever forget that night and what it meant for this country. But I will never forget the man and what he meant to me."
-Evey Hammond
When people think of comic book movies there are a couple that will immediately come to mind. Batman is an easy one. It doesn’t matter if it’s Adam West’s classic ’60s rendition, Michael Keaton’s brilliantly broody reinvention or the Christian Bale’s somber Dark Knight – people love Batman. Next up is usually anything in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It helps that they usually produce about two or three blockbuster movies out every year.
However, people seem to forget that the other superhero movies out there. Watchmen, Blade, and a host of others remain classics despite not being mentioned quite as often as their more-famous counterparts. And one of those films that deserves more recognition is the 2006 masterpiece V for Vendetta.
V for Vendetta was released in 2006 – before Heath Ledger’s Joker and Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man took flight. It didn’t have the mega box office opening that we see today, but it was the No.1 movie with $25 million. Thankfully, this is what they were looking for. Dan Fellman of Warner Bros said, “We were looking for something in the low-to-mid $20 million range (for V for Vendetta).” They got their wish. The sad part is that a lot of people missed out.
V for Vendetta is an incredible movie regardless of where you see it. However, it was an intense experience in theaters. The energy in the theater isn’t something that can be replicated.
On this fifth of November, it seemed appropriate to take a look back and delve into why this is the perfect movie. So many parts get overlooked and aren’t appreciated the way it should be.