Batwoman episode 9 finds us in hour two of The CW’s most ambitious crossover to date! The event that all of the Arrowverse shows have been leading up to: Crisis On Infinite Earths! Old heroes will fall, new heroes will rise and nothing will be the same again.
This episode of Batwoman is really not a Batwoman adventure at all. Once upon a time, the crossovers each had a very show-centric narrative, so each episode of the crossover was focused on the hero of whatever show the episode fell on. This all ended with the crossover event Crisis on Earth X widely regarded as the best crossover to date, that took the crossovers and made them into a miniseries that was not quite focused on whichever hero’s show each respective episode belonged to.
The first hour of Crisis On Infinite Earths was slightly overstuffed, but that wasn’t anyone’s fault as there was so much to get moving, but hour two was able to slow down a bit and delve into a few of our characters.
Hour two saw our heroes set out to find the seven paragons who can save the multiverse from destruction.

Pour one out
We get to see the aftermath of Oliver’s death on Earth-38 and the sadness of Kate, Kara, and Sara. However, this is not the end of Oliver’s story as there is a subplot that involves finding one of the legendary Lazarus Pits to bring Oliver back from the dead!
We all know what happens to people who are brought back this way, as Mia, Barry, Sara and Constantine clash over the idea of resurrecting him with his soul, so this promises to be a very interesting turn of events!
Bat in Black!
Kevin Conroy has been Batman for almost 30 years but this is the first time he has suited up in live-action, and oh what a treat it is. He plays the brooding, cold-blooded and possibly psychotic Batman we always knew could exist if too many years of crime-fighting got into his head and left him emotionally beaten – which it did.
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It is interesting to see Kate interact with him, especially as it prompts her to consider is that could be a possible future for herself. Will she stay on the side of the angels? Or turn down the path of devils as Bruce did?
Three Clark Kents? Kingdom Come!
This episode, the audience is treated to seeing not only Supergirl‘s version of Superman, but also the return of Brandon Routh as his character from Superman Returns – playing an older version based on the Kingdom Come version of Clark.
Lastly, Tom Welling of Smallville fame returns for fans to see just where his character has ended up. While the revelation that he has given up his powers may be disappointing for some, its a fitting end for Smallville’s Clark Kent.
Overall this was an excellent episode, seeing Kevin Conroy suit up as Bruce Wayne, was a dream come true, and Brandon Routh showed everyone that he was born to play the role of Superman (Can he get a Kingdom Come show?) There is much yet to do and see in the upcoming episodes for the Crisis crossover, but this was a solid second hour.
10/10 Batarangs
Did you enjoy this week’s Batwoman? Do you think it was a good second hour of Crisis On Infinite Earths? Let us know in the comments below!