Matching 30 Marvel Cinematic Universe characters with each NBA team
By Mark Lynch
Minnesota Timberwolves
The Minnesota Timberwolves are another team that drafted an all-time great. Unlike Tim Duncan, this guy was drafted right out of high school. Kevin Garnett has more skill than most of the power forwards we’ve seen before or after. He was athletic, had great shooting range, played defense better than most, and could rebound with the best of them.
What really separated him was his passion for basketball. We’ve seen him cry after losing a playoff series and when he was victorious in the NBA Finals. Ask anyone who’s been on a team with him and they’ll say that he played with more raw emotion than anyone.
Like Kevin Garnett, Thor doesn’t do anything halfway. It’s 100% or not at all. Another similarity is the loyalty they have for their teammates. Thor will be the first person to run into a fight to protect the Avengers. We’ve seen KG do that more times than not. If there was a tussle, he’d get right in the middle of it.
They also talk a lot of smack. KG was so good at it that it gave him a reputation around the league. We’ve seen the way Thor runs his mouth. It may be a close battle to see who’s better at it. If Thor or KG are on your team, you love them. Otherwise, you’d probably hate them for their bravado. When you’re as good as them, you can’t knock them for being so confident.