The Boys season 2 becomes a top-three comic book season
Season one of The Boys was flawless from start to finish. Everything from the gore fans of the comic book series expected to the actual story was perfect. There were some subjects in the show that were toned down perfectly to make things more palatable for viewers, too. A wise choice considering the source material. The only negative thing about it was that it ended, leaving us with this cliffhanger in the process. Butcher ends up shocked that his wife iss alive and that she has had Homelander’s baby. And that was just a sample. Expect more of what we got in season one and then some.
Karl Urban has gone all in on this season. He said season two is going to be “way more ****ing diabolical.” It may seem like more promotion, but you have to believe him. They started filming season two before season one premiered. This means they had a chance to adjust while they were filming. All of the mistakes they may have been changed after seeing the reactions from fans who loved the show. Season one was crazy, and the trailer for the new season looks to be just as wild. This is going to be the best comic book show of the year.