Lady Eve returns, Painkiller is released, and so much more awaits on the latest episode of Black Lightning.
Previously, on Black Lightning, the resistance (led by Blackbird) struck a major blow to the A.S.A. They rescued the kids being captured and destroyed their detainment facility. A big part of this was Black Lightning following his daughter’s lead. This was the first time he took a step back and followed her orders, marking a huge step in their relationship. On the other end, Jennifer made her play against Agent Odell. Problem is, the Odell she took the kill shot on was a hologram. This is going to come back and bite her. Lastly, we find out who put the hit out on Gambi. A villain from the past we all thought was dead — Lady Eve.
If only Brandon knew. Stream a new episode now: #BlackLightning
— Black Lightning (@blacklightning) January 28, 2020
Black Lightning opening
The show starts with A.S.A. Agent Gardner Grayle recording a message into a computer. He was talking about the things going on with the A.S.A. and how he refused to be part of it. He’s been iffy about the things they were doing the entire season. After he was ordered to kill teenagers, he decided to draw the line.
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Later, Jennifer and Brandon waiting in a house after being captured and the incident with hologram Odell. Jefferson comes and Jennifer finally tells him everything that she’s been doing with Odell. While Jefferson wasn’t happy, he didn’t overreact. After seeing the path she could go down (see “Earth Crisis”), Jennifer was mature enough to admit that she was on a path she didn’t want to go down. Before Jefferson leaves, he gives Brandon the “intimidating father” talk.
This was a cool opening. While it lacked the intensity we’re used to seeing, there was still a lot of emotion. You have Grayle starting to step up against the A.S.A. We saw this coming, but it was still good to see. Jennifer and Jefferson talking about what Jennifer has done was deep. Jennifer admits that a lot of what she did was due to insecurities from her parents. But she didn’t blame them, another huge step for the ever-growing Jennifer Pierce.
There’s unfinished business. East Coast, a new episode of #BlackLightning starts NOW on The CW!
— Black Lightning (@blacklightning) January 28, 2020
Lynn’s addiction
Lynn has been taking Green Light to boost her intelligence. It’s been working, but she’s also become an addict and is currently going through withdrawal symptoms. She asks Gambi to get her access to the Pit so she can get her bag. Grayle brings her bag and tells her that he wants to help stop the A.S.A., even if it means being arrested for treason. Lynn agrees. Before they leave, she goes into her purse and takes some more Green Light.
This was a weird part to analyze. On one hand, she did find a way to get Tobias out so she could help the people infected. On the other hand, the Green Light that’s making her smarter is becoming her addiction. Do the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few?

Painkiller hunts
Right after this scene, Black Lightning, Thunder, Lightning, and Gambi are in their house when the A.S.A. come in to save Agent Odell and kill the Pierce’s. The gang makes short work of the hired goons before Painkiller walks in. And the first person to see him is Jennifer. The last time she saw him he was dead. Now, he’s trying to kill her and her family. After Black Lightning and Thunder take down Painkiller, Jennifer restrains them both (yes, she’s that powerful). It wasn’t until she realized that Odell escaped that she turned her energy to Painkiller and knocks him out.
This was a moment we’ve been waiting for since the end of last season. Khalil is alive, and Jennifer finally knows. Her first interaction since his death was him attacking the people she loves. Instead of a warm embrace, she had to take him out, something that’s going to haunt her for a while.

High Voltage takes
This was another good episode. A personal favorite moment was Black Lightning getting Agent Odell and saying, “Got your @$$.” It was a long time coming. Jefferson went so far as to be OK with torture. Considering it was his youngest daughter, it’s not shocking. You know he took some pleasure in electrocuting Odell while he was tied up. He shouldn’t have messed with his family.
Tobias escaping with Lynn was foreseen, but things didn’t end the way she thought they would. She’s captured by the Markovians right before the credits start rolling. They’ve been attempting to capture Lynn since season two. But now that they have, what’s next? She may work for them just to get her Green Light fix.
Lightning Round:
- Black Lightning introduced a DC Comics character named Geo-Force in a cool way. Brandon said half of the name and was cut off. A cool little moment.
- With Tobias free and knowing who Black Lightning is, what’s next? And how will Jefferson react to his wife setting the man who killed his father free?
- TC getting into Painkiller’s head may be what they need to free Khalil. But how much damage has already been done?
- What’s Lady Eve going to do now that she was given the ultimatum of signing up with the Tattooed Man or death? No way she takes this lying down. She’s a fighter.
- TC, possibly Painkiller, and Geo-Force, with Black Lightning, Thunder, and Lightning? This may be the superhero team we need to see the Markovians taken out.
What did you think of this week’s episode? Let us know in the comments below.