Now that Lynn is back home, what came next for Black Lightning and company in the latest episode?
Previously on Black Lightning, Black Lightning himself, Thunder, Lightning and the rest of the crew traveled to Markovia to shut down their army and save Lynn in an episode that had the best fight sequences of the series. Everyone shined and, more than that, the violence told a story.
Khalil held back Painkiller while fighting Gravedigger, Lynn got back at the Markovian who was torturing her, and Black Lightning had to restrain himself against Tobias. There was a scene where Erica Moran broke down a door even Black Lighting and Thunder couldn’t break. It was an incredible moment for her growth as a character.
While this part may be done, we know things aren’t really over yet. Let’s see what’s happening in the most recent episode.
The introduction
The beginning of this episode starts with visiting all the major stories we’ll see in the Homecoming chapter.
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Jefferson and Agent Odell discussed the incident in Markovia and, surprisingly, Odell kept his promise on erasing Jefferson’s team from the A.S.A. database. The problem now is that the Markovians have surrounded Freeland. Elsewhere, Anissa was still concerned about Painkiller escaping the firewall in Khalil’s head, fearful that Jennifer may have been too blinded by her love for him to see how dangerous this situation is.
Additionally, Lady Eve was doing her best to get out from under Lala, starting by tricking Devonte and having something slipped in his drink.
A lot was packed into the first part of this episode, but it was done well. With this being the last handful of episodes, we were able to see what’s coming up, and it seems like everyone is fighting a personal war of some kind. It’ll be interesting to see how everything connects in the end.

Lynn’s struggle
While Jefferson and Lynn were preparing the family dinner, Lynn suffered from withdrawal symptoms. As much as Jefferson wanted to help, all he could do was watch and be there for her. Later, she found her last stash of the Glimmer drug she was taking. During dinner, she told her family that she couldn’t bring herself to flush it. Thankfully, everyone was there for her. Since Lynn couldn’t do it, Jennifer happily destroyed her mother’s last bit of glimmer for her.
This may not have been an exciting moment, but it was certainly an emotional one. Black Lightning has never shied away from topics that may affect people in the real world. Addiction is one of them. Addiction isn’t just drugs. It comes in forms like eating disorder, cutting, sex, to hundreds of other things that may plague us everyday. This scene shows something that can help. Our loved ones. They’re the people who will always be there in our time of need. It’s scenes like this that keep Black Lightning separate from other superhero shows.

Lady Eve
Lady Eve called Lala to try and work out a deal. Lala scoffed and said he should raise his fee 5% for wasting his time. After Lady Eve and Lala had their goons leave the room, Eve mentioned that she knew about the briefcase and then spoke the magic words that allows her to control Lala. She reminded him that he didn’t work for Tobias, he worked for her. Despite everything that Lala has done, she told him that she is going to help him get his revenge – all she needed was the briefcase.
Lady Eve is never out of the game. She’s proven to always have a trick or two up her sleeve. Watching her put Lala on the ground with a few words was fantastic. She switches from rough to seductive in a matter of seconds, but even with her seductive looks and words, her words still hit hard.

High Voltage Takes
The best part of this show wasn’t the action. It was the talk the Pierce’s had at family dinner. Sometimes we forget that it takes more than fight scenes and quips to make a great show. Each of them told secrets that must have been difficult to talk about. Jennifer admitting she killed people while working for Odell, Jefferson saying he feels that they need to work with the A.S.A., and Lynn admitting she had more Glimmer. This will go down as one of the best moments of the series so far.
The powerful moments kept on coming. Painkiller escaped and almost killed Jennifer – thankfully, Khalil fought him off. However, the damage had been done. Jennifer couldn’t trust Khalil anymore. He visited her one last time before leaving and saying she’d never see him again.
Lighting Round
- Khalil won’t be gone forever. Expect to see him one more time. Probably during the big fight in the final episode.
- Jill Scott as Lady Eve continues to give stunning performances. It’s great that she’s back.
- Dr. Jace is incredible. No matter how much danger she’s in she continues to be her brazen self.
- We forget that Gambi is a ruthless guy. He took someone’s eye out to deliver a message to Lady Eve. Just, wow.
- What game is Lady Eve playing? She has to have something more nefarious going on.
- The American Government started the funding for Markovia Metahuman research. And it started with Gravedigger!
What did you think of this week’s episode? Was it the emotional ride it seems? Let us know in the comments below.