Black Lightning season 3, episode 15 review: Freedom Ain’t Free

Black Lightning -- "The Book of War: Chapter Two" -- Image Number: BLK315A_0344b.jpg -- Pictured: Cress Williams as Black Lightning -- Photo: Nathan Bolster/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Black Lightning -- "The Book of War: Chapter Two" -- Image Number: BLK315A_0344b.jpg -- Pictured: Cress Williams as Black Lightning -- Photo: Nathan Bolster/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /

Black Lightning’s latest episode will ensure your eyes remained glued to the screen the entire time.

Previously, on Black Lightning, we found out something major: The United Stated Government started and funded the Markovia meta-human program. We shouldn’t be shocked; the surprising part was that Gravedigger was their first success.

During the flashback he was fighting Nazis. This means that Gravedigger has been fighting in wars since 1942. Things went from bad from worse when Gravedigger successfully received more powers like Lynn and Tobias did in previous episodes.

Now, he may be the most powerful meta-human around and he’s headed for Freeland with an army.

The intro

This episode starts with a very powerful moment from Gravedigger. We see how he got the scar on his face in a flashback as he talks about why he’s attacking Freeland. He says that he stopped caring about what people think a long time ago. However, he does care about the truth. What’s that truth? The American Government experimented on him almost eighty years. He goes on to say, “Officially, unofficially, I’m the first meta.”

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Gravedigger discusses the job that was assigned him and other soldiers of color. He had to dig graves and bury people. He said it was, “Back breaking and soul draining work, but it was an important task. because every soldier, every person, deserves a proper burial” He said people thought what he did was crazy, but felt right. The goes on to say what he’s about to Freeland feels right as well.

They did a good job of making Gravedigger seem like a monster while ensuring that we still feel for him. They way he was treated and experimented on isn’t something everyone can come back from. The U.S. Government ripped his out his soul and made him use the powers they gave him for their needs. It’s disgusting. To quote V for Vendetta, what they did to him was monstrous and they created a monster.

Lady Eve shows her XYZ

The one thing we know about Lady Eve is that she’s a businesswoman. She has always found a way to cheat everything including death. With everything going on in Freeland, Lady Eve is trying to find her way back to the A.S.A.’s clandestine activities (called the Shadow Board) and her cartel back in the game. She bribes Odell with the location of suitcase. He tells her that if she can produce the location and they acquire it, they have a deal.

Lady Eve is an incredible character.  She seems to always have some way out of a bad situation. When she found out about Lala, she got dirt on him. That leads her to Gambi getting the briefcase open. Now, she’s getting back to where she was in Season 1. You have to admire the hustlers on this show.

Black Lightning
Black Lightning — “The Book of War: Chapter Two” — Image Number: BLK315A_0118b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Christine Adams as Lynn and Cress Williams as Jefferson — Photo: Nathan Bolster/The CW — © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /

Gravedigger and the Pierce family

Lynn comes into the house with a frantic look on her face. She tells Jefferson that Gravedigger and him are related, but Jefferson doesn’t believe it. Lynn tells him that she checked the results five times. Jefferson is taken aback. He think about it and suddenly it all makes sense: He was told he had a relative that died in World War II. Then he realizes that they never said he died… just that he didn’t come back.

If you’ve been watching since the first season, then this new information won’t shock you. Anissa looked into her lineage and found out that she was connected to people who were experimented on during the Tuskegee Airmen experiments. When we find out the Gravedigger is the first meta-human, it all makes sense. This was a cool connection. Now, this fight has a more emotional attachment.

Black Lightning
Black Lightning — “The Book of War: Chapter Two” — Image Number: BLK315A_0338b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Nafessa Williams as Thunder and William Catlett as Lala — Photo: Nathan Bolster/The CW — © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /

High Voltage Takes

This season continues to get better, and this episode takes us on an emotional ride. Starting with Gravedigger talking about his past was made sense. His tragic past doesn’t make what he’s doing better, but it does add a great deal more to his character. Finding out that Jefferson and Gravedigger are related was a bomb that his us all. Anissa and Grace getting engaged was a long time coming. Seeing that they made it through so much and came out on the other side was great. And Brandon leaving the team and agreeing with Gravedigger over Black Lightning wasn’t very shocking (pun intended). He always seemed like he was more villain than hero.

Lighting Round:

Gravedigger being experimented on in the 1940’s is just like other black men who were in the Tuskegee Airmen. The creators did a good job.

Grace has gotten stronger with all of the constant fighting. What are the limits to her power?

What happens when Tobias finds out that Lady Eve is alive? Lady Eve owes him a receipt for killing her.

Now that Painkiller is in charge, will he succeed in killing any of the Pierce’s? Even money says it’s Lynn.

Is Lazarus somehow related to Ra’s al Ghul’s Lazarus pit? Now that the Arrowverse is all connected, we may find out.

Erica and TC’s relationship is fun. With all of the dark and depressing things going on, they add much needed levity.

Next. 25 most heartbreaking Arrowverse deaths of all-time. dark

Black Lightning returns to The CW next Monday, Mar. 9, at 9:00 p.m. ET. Are you enjoying this season? Let us know in the comments below!