The Flash season 6, episode 15 review: The Exorcism of Nash Wells

The Flash -- "The Exorcism of Nash Wells" -- Image Number: FLA615a_0034b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Tom Cavanagh as Nash Wells -- Photo: Katie Yu/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved
The Flash -- "The Exorcism of Nash Wells" -- Image Number: FLA615a_0034b.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Grant Gustin as Barry Allen and Tom Cavanagh as Nash Wells -- Photo: Katie Yu/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved /

“All I know about artificial Speed Forces is that Thawne built one. And that’s it.” Spoilers for The Flash season 6, episode 15 review.

Eobard Thawne has returned in the body of Nash Wells, forcing Team Flash to try to exorcise him from Nash’s body.

In Central City at large though, Black Hole has resurfaced and Joe continues his investigation into the organization.

Getting rid of Nash’s demons

Knock knock, Nash is no longer here and Eobard Thawne has taken over his body. There’s always been a tinge of body horror present within The Flash, but really has never been focused because it’s simply not what the show is about. However, just from the title, this episode is leaning into some heavier horror aspects than the show normally dives into. Not that it’s actually scary mind you, but it leans into the tropes a bit more than normal, just scientifically rather than supernatural. Really though, it’s not that interesting of a use of the horror inspirations present. It’s more references than anything else.

A really great part of this portion of the episode though is the fact that Caitlin calls out Barry when he needs to be called out. He almost kills Nash because Thawne is possessing simply because Thawne brings up Nora. It’s some great character moments for Caitlin that she doesn’t really get all that often. She gets to be a leader and a caretaker at the same time. So basically, she gets to be a doctor. Not that Barry listens at first, but that doesn’t take away from her moments in this episode. Her influence then leads Barry to become continuously better throughout the episode in some great ways.

But the crux of the episode revolves around Nash’s past and his own choices, which are what feeds Thawne’s possession of Nash. And honestly, while the rest of the surrounding episode may not use its horror effectively, the scenes between Nash and Thawne absolutely do. Thawne has always been terrifying and that’s still the case here. Reverse-Flash is a master manipulator, able pick away at every insecurity. This creates some great psychological horror scenes within this episode that still feel very in-line with the tone of the show. And it all lands thanks to Tom Cavanaugh giving another excellent performance in this episode, as well as Danielle Nicolet as Cecile.

The mirror crew grows

So, after the events in the final moments of last episode, Kamilla now has a mirror doppelganger of her own, basically a Team Mirror Flash now. Because of that, Eva sends them on the hunt for a piece of technology that she needs to use in order to further her plans. This leads to them coming into contact with a new meta-assassin named Sunshine.

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Really, that’s about all that this part of the episode does. It introduces Sunshine and the technology that Eva needs, but that’s it. There’s really nothing of interest happening in this episode regarding the doppelgangers. This storyline has been meandering for a couple of episodes at this point and their presence in this episode really drives that home.

Joe on the warpath

After being on the downlow for the past several episodes, Joe’s hunt for Black Hole continues in this episode. But just like the Team Mirror Flash portion of this episode, not much is going on here. The idea of a mole is introduced and there are some action scenes, but really not much is actually happening.

There’s no real furtherment of the plot really either, there are just things that happen and the status quo remains the same. No big reveals when there probably should have been nor anything really of interest happening. It’s just mediocre which is so disappointing because it felt like the entire arc was setting up for a big reveal and then, nope, nothing happened and everyone just is like, “Yeah, ok. Sunshine is the mole. Our work here is done.” It’s a bad resolution that makes the mediocre nature of this arc feel even worse.

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This week’s episode of The Flash has a great main story in it, but it’s surrounded by a lot of mediocrity in its other stories.