Supernatural: 15 Marvel and DC characters the Winchesters could beat

Jared Padalecki as Sam and Jensen Ackles as Dean in Supernatural -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Jared Padalecki as Sam and Jensen Ackles as Dean in Supernatural -- Photo: Dean Buscher/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved. /
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7. Supernatural’s Winchester Brothers vs. Purple Man

Of all the villains in the Marvel universe, Purple Man is one of the most deplorable. To put it lightly, killing people isn’t the worst thing he’s done.

Some villains have something they want to accomplish or have a goal. Dr. Doom is a good example. He truly believes that he can accomplish world peace if everyone listens to him. Killgrave is just a selfish piece of s***. He uses his powers to get whatever he wants. It doesn’t matter who he hurts in the process. He only cares about his continued happiness.

Sam and Dean don’t normally kill or go after beings of the non-supernatural nature. They’d make an exception for this. Just like they would for Joker. Between the two of them, who is worse? With everything that Killgrave has done to women, the Winchesters may go after him harder than they have any solo villain. They’d  almost immediately get mind-controlled. Knowing Killgrave, he’d order them to try and kill each other and leave. He’s that arrogant. After he walks away, they’d regain control and stop fighting.

This would end up becoming a job that requires a spell that dulls their senses enough to not become mind-controlled. It sounds unbelievable, but they’ve dealt with mind control before. After that, Killgrave is a  joke. They’d beat ten shades of purple off him that put a bullet in his brain.