Iron Man 3 is sorely overlooked when it comes to the MCU. Yes, has its faults, but it’s a good movie… and here’s why.
There ever-present debate surrounding the best and worst movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe usually tends to see Iron Man 3 landing in the latter category. The last of Robert Downey Jr.’s Iron Man trilogy, the film was a divisive one.
Sure, that movie had its faults. For example, the final fight scene wasn’t the best. It lacked the pizazz that we’re used to seeing in a Marvel Studios movie. The sad part is the concept was cool because the idea of seeing all of Tony Stark’s armors really could have worked. The problem is the execution. It was dark and the scene was clunky. Other than that, however, the movie itself was good.
People judged Iron Man 3 too harshly for a couple of reasons. First, because The Avengers was so incredible, fans were expecting the same from this movie. That’s unfair. It should be judged by the movie. Second, Robert Downey Jr. has been gold in everything he was in – so they wanted the same thing. Here’s the funny part though, he was still gold here. In fact, a debate could be made that this was his best performance as Tony Stark.
There are a lot of things to love about Robert Downey Jr.’s last Iron Man flick. Let’s take a look back and check out the things that made this a better movie than people tend to give it credit for.