Arrowverse: 3 characters we’d love to have dinner with

Supergirl -- ÒCrisis On Infinite Earths: Part OneÒ -- Image Number: SPG509b_BTS_0440r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl, Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer/Atom, Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, Ruby Rose as Kate Kane/Batwoman, Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, Grant Gustin as The Flash, David Harewood as Hank Henshaw/JÕonn JÕonzz, Jesse Rath as Brainiac-5, (Bottom Row: Audrey Marie Anderson as Harbinger, Katherine McNamara as Mia, Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/White Canary, Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent/Superman and Bitsie Tulloch as Lois Lane -- Photo: Katie Yu/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Supergirl -- ÒCrisis On Infinite Earths: Part OneÒ -- Image Number: SPG509b_BTS_0440r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl, Brandon Routh as Ray Palmer/Atom, Stephen Amell as Oliver Queen/Green Arrow, Ruby Rose as Kate Kane/Batwoman, Chyler Leigh as Alex Danvers, Grant Gustin as The Flash, David Harewood as Hank Henshaw/JÕonn JÕonzz, Jesse Rath as Brainiac-5, (Bottom Row: Audrey Marie Anderson as Harbinger, Katherine McNamara as Mia, Caity Lotz as Sara Lance/White Canary, Tyler Hoechlin as Clark Kent/Superman and Bitsie Tulloch as Lois Lane -- Photo: Katie Yu/The CW -- © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
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Arrowverse, Superman
Batwoman — “Crisis on Infinite Earths: Part Two” — Image Number: BWN108d_0128.jpg — Pictured: Tyler Hoechlin as Superman– Photo: Katie Yu/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

What happens when we put together our love for the Arrowverse with our love for having dinner at restaurants? We get some stellar dream dinners, that’s what!

There’s a lot to miss while we’re all currently in quarantine. Above all else, many miss going to restaurants (though getting delivery straight from them is a nice upside to all of this) with people. And pretty soon, we are going to be missing our favorite Arrowverse shows as The Flash, Supergirl and Batwoman are all preparing to have their respective (impromptu) finales soon.

Of course, all bad things must come to an end. Much like the concept of a worldwide return to the old normal (or at least as close as the world can get), all of our favorite TV shows will come back one day and all of our favorite restaurants will re-open. One day.

But for now, we’ll just dream about all of our favorite things. But as most dreams do, our dreams get weird. In this case, we’ve had dreams about having our favorite Arrowverse characters sitting across from us at the dinner table.

Not in a romantic sense, but just considering who could offer the best conversation over steamed pots of broccoli. Yes, I eat steamed pots of broccoli for dinner. I’m as weird as my dreams.

Anyway, the question still needs to be begged: Which Arrowverse characters would make the best dream dinner guests?