Supergirl season 6: Melissa Benoist opens up about Kara and William’s relationship

Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl and Staz Nair as William Dey in Supergirl -- "Confidence Women" -- Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW
Melissa Benoist as Kara/Supergirl and Staz Nair as William Dey in Supergirl -- "Confidence Women" -- Photo: Sergei Bachlakov/The CW /

Melissa Benoist has opened up about the future of Kara Danvers and William Dey’s relationship in Supergirl season 6.

The Girl of Steel is currently on hiatus with the rest of her Arrowverse heroes after her show’s run got cut short due to the outbreak of the novel coronavirus, but fear not for Supergirl season 6 will air sometime next year.

Season 5 recently wrapped its run and it was certainly a memorable affair. While some of the episodes landed better than others, there is no denying that the finale was one of the show’s best episodes and it has left all of us intrigued as to where it should go next.

The star of the show herself, Melissa Benoist, recently spoke to TVLine and teased what fans can expect to see in the next season – or, more specifically, what we can expect to see from Kara’s budding relationship with William Dey (Staz Nair).

"“What’s exciting for Kara is the amount of possibilities… She’s had quite a bit of time to herself without any love interests, so I think it’s great that there was a possibility at all in Season 5. I would anticipate it even going into Season 6, with complications arising, but I’m glad people are curious.”"

Benoist certainly isn’t wrong. Though Season 1 alluded to a potential romance with James Olsen, the character’s only real love interest was Mon-El (who was portrayed by the actress’ future husband Chris Wood) and, after two seasons, he left the show. And after that, Supergirl established pretty well that Kara didn’t need a love interest to thrive.

That said, she deserves happiness after all she’s given the world and, though her initial dynamic with William was intentionally confusing, it appears that she might be set to find that happiness with him. She added:

"“What’s really fun on TV is watching slow burns with romance, so I think people can expect that.”"

Slow burn is exactly how you would describe it. William wasn’t the most likable person in the beginning and, for that reason alone, he and Kara just didn’t get on. However, after teaming up – not-to-mention a little timeline-rewriting thanks to Crisis On Infinite Earths – the pair found themselves attracted to each other.

Will they end up taking their relationship to the next level in season 6?

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Supergirl season 6 airs on The CW in spring/summer 2021. Are you looking forward to Kara and William’s slow burn relationship? Let us know in the comments below!