Show some love to your mutant brethren, and strengthen your Marvel Legends collection with these new X-Men movie action figures from Hasbro.
For Marvel fans, it doesn’t get much better than Marvel Legends figures. Highly articulated with a ton of accessories, Marvel Legends figures adorn the desks and bookshelves of many fans. And now, fans of the X-Men movies can add to their collection.
Looking back on them, the FOX series of X-Men films is filled with more misses than hits. But, if you’re like me, they were a huge part of your childhood (along with the Sam Raimi Spider-Man films). The nostalgia factor alone makes these worth checking out.
Right now, you can get pre-orders in at Entertainment Earth. They’re scheduled to arrive in November, so you won’t have to wait long.

Marvel Legends Wolverine ($24.99)
He’s the best at what he does. But what he does isn’t very nice. With a nice Hugh Jackman likeness, this Wolverine figure is a must-have for X-Men fans.
Comes with two heads and four hands.

Marvel Legends Professor X and Magneto 2-Pack ($49.99)
Here’s a cool one. Both figures come with heads of their younger and older depictions. So whether your favorite Professor X is Sir Patrick Stewart or James McAvoy, you’ll be good to go.
Magneto comes with four heads (two helmeted, two un-helmeted) and four hands. Professor X comes with his wheelchair, two heads and five hands.
Scheduled to ship in October.

Marvel Legends Mystique ($24.99)
With four hands and an addition mid-transformation arm, this Mystique figure will look great in your display. The figure doesn’t feature double-jointed elbows like most of the male figures, but the articulation here is still really solid.
Scheduled to begin shipping in Novemeber.