Animated series Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles, based on the Usagi Yojimbo comics, is headed to Netflix!
Usagi Yojimbo is one of the longest-running serialized independent comic books and is created by Stan Sakai. It tells the story of Miyamoto Usagi, a rabbit ronin from the Edo period of Japanese history. It has a massive cult following, and honestly I’m shocked its taken this long to make it to the small screen (aside from appearances in TMNT). But after all this time, it’s finally coming to it.
It was recently reported by Variety that Netflix will now be the destination for a new animated series based upon the comics. However instead of retelling the storied tales from those comics, it presents a future setting in the world of Usagi. The series will focus on Yuchi – a descendant of the great Usagi who is on his quest to become his own great samurai.
Deadline outlines the show’s creative team:
"“The series hails from Sakai — creator, writer and illustrator of the comic book series — who will serve as executive producer along with Gaumont, Dark Horse Entertainment and Atomic Monster. Gaumont’s Nicolas Atlan, Terry Kalagian, Sidonie Dumas and Christophe Riandee also serve as EPs along with Dark Horse’s Mike Richardson, Keith Goldberg and Chris Tongue and Atomic Monster’s Wan, Michael Clear and Rob Hackett.”"
I am thoroughly excited for the release of this series for a few reasons. First, it offers a new medium for the stories. While the comic books are undoubtedly great, an animated series could be fantastic.
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Second, the possibility of telling a story of one of Usagi’s descendants forging their own path is interesting. Finally, there may be some folks who are not interested in or even familiar with the comics that could now end up getting introduced to one of the longest-running and most interesting universes, as Netflix will allow the property to reach a brand new audience!
Are you excited for the Usagi Chronicles? Are there any other long neglected stories you believe are due for a movie or film treatment? Let us know in the comments below!