Now that Stargirl has finished its first season, the long wait begins for the second to premiere. However, just because Courtney isn’t on your screen, that doesn’t mean you can’t get a Stargirl fix.
After finishing its wonderful debut season, there’s more than likely a Stargirl-shaped hole within many people’s hearts. Now, with the presumably year-long wait for season 2 to premiere (exclusively on The CW), fans of the former DC Universe show might be wondering how they can get more Courtney Whitmore and Pat Dugan in their lives. Well, the simple answer for that would be to look to another medium entirely and head to the source material.
While she hasn’t been around much in recent years, only being in a few stints of Justice League of America and Justice League United, there are several series from the late 1990s and 2000s that heavily feature Courtney. Plus, since she’s a legacy character, there are plenty of series to read that are fantastic and help you understand the legacy of the Cosmic staff even better.
There is plenty of delightful comic book content to read if you are a fan of Stargirl and this list will just give you an idea of where to start.