Shia LaBeouf would portray these comic book villains better than most.
There was a rumor going around that Shia LaBeouf was being considered to play Iceman in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If true, it isn’t shocking that LaBeouf would be considered; he’s an accomplished actor.
However, there are more than a few valid reasons as to why he shouldn’t play Iceman in particular. The biggest reason is his age. By the time Marvel Studios starts filming the MCU’s X-Men franchise, LaBeouf could be in and around 40 years old.
However, regardless of whether he’s right for Iceman or not, that doesn’t mean he can’t be in a comic book movie or TV show. In fact, he’d be better used as a villain than a hero – specifically an X-Men Villain.
Evil X-Men villains
If you go down a list of comic book villains, the X-Men may have the most deplorable villains of them all. And this doesn’t even extend to characters like Magneto, Apocalypse, and Juggernaut – regardless of how they go about it, at least they have reasons.
A lot of the other villains to the mutant community, however, are flat out evil. They hate them just for being born. In the X-Men animated series, Jubilee asked Graydon Creed what mutants had done for him to hate them. He simply said, “You were born!” Those are the kind of people the X-Men deal with.
The problem with casting these despicable villains is that you need someone who be so believable in the role that they’d end up being hated. Shia LaBeouf is capable of doing that and these characters are the ones he should play.