Wrestling superstar and The Suicide Squad actor John Cena describes his character, Peacemaker, as like Captain America but with an important qualifier.
The big reveal at DC FanDome of the huge ensemble cast in the DCEU‘s The Suicide Squad directed by James Gunn confirmed a few prominent rumors while debunking some others.
One confirmation was the identity of actor-wrestler John Cena’s character, which turned out to be what the Internet often suggested: Charlton Comics’ flagship anti-hero known as Peacemaker.
Not much is known about what this version of the character played by Cena will bring to the table other than what we saw in the FanDome sneak peek.
As Gunn put it, Peacemaker is a vigilante who wants “peace at any cost no matter how many people he needs to kill along the way.” Right before that, the director teases that some of his story’s players are, through and through, just not good people.
It’s safe to say then the Task Force’s Peacemaker shall live up to the classification of “unhinged.”
Cena, though, offered up a tamer description given to him. He related his direction for Peacemaker from Gunn was “Be a douchey Captain America.” With a laugh, Cena says, “Got it!”
The former WWE Champ also answered fan questions on Twitter before the monumental sneak peek. He commented on what an opportunity it is to join the DC Universe, saying it’s an honor to work on a “global property” with “one of the better storytellers” he’s been “associated with in James Gunn.”
Cena closed saying he hopes The Suicide Squad surprises people.
Extremely proud and excited! Fans across the world will finally get an early sneak peek of the #TheSuicideSquad at #DCFanDome! https://t.co/emjuQCoqUy pic.twitter.com/IfaeJIfQWC
— John Cena (@JohnCena) August 22, 2020
Peacemaker has been around since the 1960s and was acquired by DC Comics in the ’80s. They used him sparingly, bringing him back in different forms now and again. An updated iteration appeared in the pages of Blue Beetle in recent years.
If Alan Moore had his way, Peacemaker would have been deconstructed alongside the rest of Charlton’s superheroes in the intended line-up for Watchmen.
Moore later came up with The Comedian to fill the void, which might tell us a little something about where Gunn will go with Peacemaker.
And, yes, in a bold move, John Cena wears the costume Peacemaker is best known for, complete with the shiny round helmet.
The Suicide Squad is slated for an August 2021 release. Let us know if you plan to see it and if you’re looking forward to John Cena as Peacemaker the most.