DC Comics and Marvel Comics characters Zachary Quinto would be brilliant at.
Zachary Quinto has been a consistent on-screen presence since he played Sylar in Heroes in 2005. He portrayed Spock in the recent Star Trek movies and played a couple of different characters in American Horror Story. In between, he also had a fun cameo in Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt and even played a spoiled rich jerk in Hotel Artemis.
In each of the roles that were just mentioned Quinto has shown a range of different acting skills. He’s done comedy, action, drama and so much more. It goes without saying that someone with all of these skills would be perfect for a live-action comic book project.
Honestly, we don’t need to look past Sylar from Heroes to see how great he is. A debate can be made that Heroes wouldn’t have lasted more than a season without him because, honestly, no one else could have pulled off what he did. He made you hate, love, fear, and feel sorry for him – not something that’s easily accomplished from the same character.
A friend of this writer suggested that Quinto could play a great Adam Warlock and my mind was blown. It’s a great casting choice. However, with his skill, he’d maybe even be better served playing a villain. Here are some perfect examples.