Marvel’s Avengers: The good and the bad of Marvel’s newest video game

Marvel's Avengers.
Marvel's Avengers. /
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Avengers, Marvel's Avengers, Marvel
Marvel’s Avengers /

Character design and graphics

The visuals in a game may be more important than the story. We all have friends who will complete a campaign and have no idea what was going on with the characters. Some of you reading this have done it. If the game is smooth and it looks beautiful, the story can become an afterthought.

The preview of Avengers gave people concern. One of the biggest complaints was that the characters’ uniforms didn’t resemble the movies or the comic books. However, this isn’t a bad thing. Since this is an alternate universe, why wouldn’t the look differ? It’s an opportunity to be creative.

Rating: 2 out of 5

If we’re being honest, a lot of the concept designs weren’t that great. Captain America’s costume is super bulky and Thor’s alternate uniforms are pretty bad.

On the flip side, there are some positives. Kamala Khan looked amazing. Her facial features remained true to her comic book character and her costumes look like something she’d definitely wear.

In one of the missions, Tony Stark comes back and doesn’t have his cool-looking armor. The one we’re given instead looks like he just strung it together – because he did. A great idea indeed.

Overall, however, the costume designs are disappointing. The background design also leaves  something to be desired. Sometimes it looks breathtaking, other times it’s very “meh”.