Marvel: 20 greatest weapons in Marvel Comics history

Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron..Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.)..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel 2015
Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron..Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.)..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel 2015 /
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MCU, Chris Evans, Chris Hemsworth, Marvel
Marvel’s Avengers: Age Of Ultron..L to R: Captain America/Steve Rogers (Chris Evans) and Thor (Chris Hemsworth)..Ph: Jay Maidment..©Marvel 2015 /

10. Mjolnir

Mjilnor is more than a nearly indestructible hammer. It has a magical protection that other weapons don’t. It can’t be lifted or used by just anyone. The enchantment reads, “Whosoever holds this hammer, if he be worthy, shall possess the power of Thor.” That power includes weather control, super strength, invulnerability, and apparently talking like an Asgardian.

Recently, Mjolnir has been picked up by more than just the worthy. However, as Iron Man found out, lifting it and getting Thor’s powers are two different things. It may be a while before Mjolnir’s back to normal. For all we know, this could be permanent. Wouldn’t that be something.

9. Captain America’s shield

Captain America’s shield is a perfect weapon. It was created by the two strongest metals on Earth (Vibranium and Adamantium). After it was broken (in Fear Itself) it was repaired with Uru-infused enchantments. It’s nearly indestructible. Although, it can’t be thrown by just anyone. You have to either be Hawkeye or Bullseye level-accurate to throw it the way Steve Rogers does. Even then, it doesn’t guarantee you’ll get the results you want. When Steve Rogers throws it, he’s not just aiming at his target, he’s throwing it so that it will come back to him. Cap’s shield could be the most difficult weapon to use on this list.