With all the new Marvel Cinematic Universe series announced, which ones look the most interesting… and which ones don’t?
In the age of the internet and lockdowns, Disney Investor Day isn’t just for their stock shareholders anymore. As this year’s livestream of the event showed, it’s also a treat for fans, especially for Star Wars and Marvel. Over the course of a few hours, viewers learned about upcoming shows, film projects, and casting announcements, particularly when it came to original programming on Disney+. When it came to the Marvel Cinematic Universe side of things, that included eleven new shows, a series of shorts, and even a “Holiday Special.”
But which of these Disney+ offerings got our attention the most? What are potential TV watchers the most excited for? Which shows, if any, will attract them to the streaming service and keep them there?
Since I am Groot will be just Baby Groot shorts, and the Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special is already awesome by default, we’ll be concentrating on the regular series, some of which aren’t scheduled until 2022, or which have just started production. Nevertheless, there’s still enough juicy tidbits to give us some idea. So let’s see which of the upcoming television offerings for the Marvel Cinematic Universe have built up our enthusiasm… and which ones have not.