What are the different personalities of Marvel Comics’ Incredible Hulk?
The Incredible Hulk is one of Marvel Comics’ most popular characters. Before he was smashing Loki on Tony Stark’s floor, he was one of the original Avengers. Whether he’s on his own or teaming up with Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, Hulk has helped save the world and the universe. He’s the strongest there is and has proven it on multiple occasions.
Besides his strength, however, the Hulk is known for something else. There’s more than one Hulk inside Bruce Banner. People who only know the Hulk from the Marvel Cinematic Universe may only know of a couple of those personalities. They recognize “childlike” Hulk and Smart Hulk but there’s more than that. For 58 years, Bruce Banner has exhibited different versions of the Jade Giant – and some of them aren’t even green! Here, this writer will explain some of Bruce Banner’s and Hulk’s other personalities.
Let’s start with one that isn’t all that well-known.
The less said about the Marvel event Axis, the better. Nonetheless, it gave birth to a new Hulk personality called Kluh. Kluh describes himself as the Hulk’s Hulk. The best way to further explain him would be with his own quote. “All that confused idiot ever wanted was to be left alone. Me–all I want is to bathe in the blood of the innocent.”
Not very valiant or Avenger-like, but that’s the way he likes it. Kluh is a personality that hasn’t come out in Immortal Hulk. Devil Hulk may have been the one keeping him at bay. If he’s dead, Kluh may rise.