6 terrifying comic book realities that would be the absolute worst places to live

Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron..Ultron (voiced by James Spader)..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel 2015
Marvel's Avengers: Age Of Ultron..Ultron (voiced by James Spader)..Ph: Film Frame..©Marvel 2015 /
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3. Robot apocalypse

Comic Book: Age of Ultron

One thing comic book companies have been doing as of late is letting the villains win more often. Joker War and City of Bane are two recent examples. In the end the villains lost, but they did win their initial battles in big ways. Marvel Comics does this as well. Of all the antagonists in Marvel, however, none of them have come as close to complete victory as Ultron. In fact, he actually won.

Whenever Ultron is defeated, he comes back smarter and stronger. This time, though, he was unbeatable. Ultron and his robots killed over 90% of the world’s heroes and villains. Hulk, Thor and three quarters of the Fantastic Four were murdered. The heroes that remained were beaten so bad that they accepted their loss – even Steve Rogers sulked in a corner. The world belonged to Ultron and his robots. It was a robot armageddon not unlike the one seen in the Terminator movies. In this one, though, there was no human revolt. Just death and destruction.

Ultron used Vision to spy on Earth and then hid in the future. That’s how good he was. He didn’t even have to be in the present to destroy and then rule over it. It took multiple trips to the past from Wolverine and Sue Richards to make things right. What’s scary is Ultron’s rule was supposed to happen. By altering their present, they caused a ripple effect that hit the entire multiverse.