Marvel Comics: 11 major moments comic book fans should know about (January)

Marvel's Captain America: Civil War..Black Panther/T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman)..Photo Credit: Film Frame..© Marvel 2016
Marvel's Captain America: Civil War..Black Panther/T'Challa (Chadwick Boseman)..Photo Credit: Film Frame..© Marvel 2016 /
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7. Stryfe is back

Comic book: Cable No. 7

Young Cable has made a name for himself on Krakoa. He’s one of the best fighters on the island, helped win the battle during X of Swords, and he’s the security director on S.W.O.R.D. Despite being consistently busy, Cable manages to help out on missions. For example, in Cable No. 7, Cable and Prestige (Rachel Summers) were on a mission to save mutant babies from being killed. While they were successful, Cable discovered some disturbing news. Cable probes the mind of their leader and finds out that Stryfe is alive and up to no good.

Why is this important?

Stryfe is among the most powerful beings in the universe. He’s an omega level telepath. Considering he’s a clone of Cable without the techno-organic virus, it makes sense. If he’s involved in the capture of babies, then he’s doing something horrible. This leads to another question, why doesn’t he do this himself? Stryfe doesn’t seem like the kind of person to leave things to minions – especially not human minions. He’s more than willing to do things himself. Does this mean that Stryfe doesn’t have his powers? Is that why he’s after mutant babies? Also, if Stryfe is a mutant, will he try to be part of Krakoa? It is his right.