DC introduces Gotham’s newest heroes as the new Wonder Woman rises

Black Lightning -- "The Book of War: Chapter Two" -- Image Number: BLK315A_0344b.jpg -- Pictured: Cress Williams as Black Lightning -- Photo: Nathan Bolster/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Black Lightning -- "The Book of War: Chapter Two" -- Image Number: BLK315A_0344b.jpg -- Pictured: Cress Williams as Black Lightning -- Photo: Nathan Bolster/The CW -- © 2020 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /
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Gotham’s new freedom fighters

Comic book: DC Future: The Next Batman No. 3/DC Future: State Outsiders

"“We are not afraid of you. Gotham is not your city. Everything you do will fail. My name is Duke Thomas. I’m the Signal. And you can’t stop me.” – Duke Thomas"

The Magistrates have turned Gotham into a more dangerous place than it already is. Who knew that was even possible? The Magistrate Peacekeepers have been killing anyone wearing a mask, anyone helping them, or those they just assume are assisting them. With the original Batman thought to be dead, Tim Drake having his own mission in Gotham, and Batgirl being incarcerated, that didn’t leave many options.

Thankfully, Duke Thomas (the Signal) is a Bat-Family member that’s still around and protecting people. He’s not alone. His Outsiders partner Black Lightning is helping as well.

It’s disappointing that we aren’t going to see how this story ends. The final page of Duke Thomas with his hands in his pocket with Black Lightning in electric form beside him was an amazing image. Who wouldn’t want to see that fight? Two angry vigilantes beating down the Magistrates is worth the purchase.

This ending also leads to more questions. Does Duke Thomas eventually rid Gotham of the Magistrates? Did other citizens and vigilantes join the fight? Does Duke die trying to save the city that he’s protected for years and become a symbol? These are only three of the many questions that readers will have after finishing this story.