With the final episode of WandaVision, we see what last little Easter Eggs and clues the Disney Plus series may have left behind.
And so WandaVision has come to an end. The first of Marvel Studios’ television shows for the Disney+ streaming service proved to be a smash success, becoming performing incredibly well for the platform. Of course, much of that success came from the show’s central mystery over what was really going on with Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and Vision (Paul Bettany). That also meant clues. Lots and lots of clues.
Of course, if you’ve been following along with our little Easter Egg hunt over these past nine episodes, you know full well that yours truly became just as obsessed as the rest of you. Even during “The Series Finale,” I was keeping a close eye as to what last-minute hint the show could provide us, not just for the future of these characters, but what might be in store for the future for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. So one more time, let’s see what WandaVision gave us in its very last episode (as we watch out for SPOILERS, of course). But first, we’ll need to look back at what we got wrong.
Scarlet red herrings in WandaVision
Like any good mystery, WandaVision had its share of clues… and plenty of false leads. An Easter Egg which looked as if it would lead down a rabbit hole of a story wound up being nothing more than just a wink and a nod to the audience. And sometimes the show flat out misled us, if we didn’t mislead ourselves.
For instance, remember the Grim Reaper’s helmet from the opening credits of episode 2? Turns out that was just a treat for comic fans and nothing more. All those sly references to devils and Hell? Not a single devil appeared. Nor did Mephisto, or Chthon, or Nightmare, or even Samhain (How’s that for a deep dive?). And even though the series apparently ties into the upcoming Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, the Sorcerer Supreme never appeared in person, even though he was mentioned in passing by Agatha.
Speaking of multiverses – or rather the lack thereof – we finally got definitive confirmation that “Fietro” (Evan Peters) wasn’t Quicksilver from the 20th Century Fox X-Men movies. Nor was he Jimmy Woo’s (Randall Park) missing federal witness. Turns out, he was Agatha’s mysteriously absent “husband” Ralph, only he wasn’t actually her husband or the Devil in disguise. Instead, he was just some stoner dude living in Westview with the last name of “Bohner” (Yes, that was really his last name). Which means that the casting of Evan Peters was nothing more than Marvel Studios’ little joke to the more self-aware viewers. Though it’s also completely understandable why viewers would roll their eyes at this “reveal.”