WandaVision: 5 best moments from “The Series Finale”

Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff in Marvel Studios’ WandaVision. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2021 All Rights Reserved.
Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff in Marvel Studios’ WandaVision. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2021 All Rights Reserved.
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Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda Maximoff and Paul Bettany as Vision in Marvel Studios’ WandaVision. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2021 All Rights Reserved.

5. White Vision enters Westview

While the battle between Agatha and Wanda was one of the biggest highlights of the episode, White Vision’s battle with Vision was certainly another one. White Vision’s entrance into the Hex was amazing, as was Wanda’s reaction to seeing him. The Scarlet Witch’s confusion by his arrival and White Vision’s cold reaction to her was an emotional moment.

The conflict between the Westview Vision and his real-world counterpart was amazing, as the battle felt like it was ripped straight from a movie. The quality was brilliant and seeing Vision try to reason with the emotionless White Vision was very in-character for the MCU synthezoid.

Their philosophical conversation about the Ship of Theseus was very thought-provoking and led fans to discuss the fate of Paul Bettany’s character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. The conversation between the two characters brings forth the question as to whether the iteration of Vision killed by Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War will ever really return to the MCU.

It would be amazing to see the character return, whenever that may be, however in what form Vision will return is left up for debate. Perhaps some form of amalgamation between the Hex version of The Vision and White Vision will become the new android Avenger in the MCU.