What you can expect from Amazon’s Invincible? More mature content than you have seen from any comic book animated series before.
Amazon’s Invincible is finally here. An animated TV series that follows a young hero named Mark Grayson – or, as the public knows him, Invincible.
Some of the trailers we’ve seen show Mark in a wholesome light. He’s a kid whose father is the world’s greatest hero. He eventually gets his powers and takes on the life of a superhero. That’s only some of what you’ll see. In the preview below, you’ll witness a lot more than an innocent cartoon with bright colors. You can check out the video below to see exactly what this writer means.
Also, as the article continues, you’ll see why the show is destined to be as invincible as the hero of the program.
Last #InvincibleFriday before the show arrives!!! Figured we'd drop this video for the occasion, confirming how the show is a wholesome family drama. pic.twitter.com/k3KvLASsn9
— INVINCIBLE (@InvincibleHQ) March 19, 2021
Invincible violence
In the previews we’ve seen, Amazon’s Invincible is proving why Deadly Class would have worked better in a cartoon format. With everything that will happen in the show, there is a need for the creative freedom that animated shows can offer. That’s something that a live action show can’t always produce.
Invincible is going to stay close to the comic book in terms of the action. Mark may be called Invincible, but he’s far from it. He gets beaten, bloodied, almost disemboweled on a fairly regular basis. And it’s not just him. A lot of the heroes and villains get these kinds of beatings as well. This makes their victories and defeats more compelling.
It’s clear that this will not be a show for people who don’t like aggressive brutality. And while it will be bloody, the good part is it won’t be just for the sake of it.
Invincible content
As it was stated above, this isn’t a show for children. It isn’t just the action that makes it this way. It’s the content as well. Throughout Mark’s life, you’re going to see a lot of situations that seem more adult than we’re used to seeing from an animated comic book series. Perhaps the closest we’ve come (on a regular basis at least) are the mature comic book animated movies. However, shows like this are going to change that.
Mark is going to be dealing with being in high school and balancing college and being Invincible. One of the most important things is what it means to be a hero and have powers. He’s going to find out that the normal rules don’t work with him. Superman and Batman can live their alternate lives just fine. He can’t.
Mark’s going to learn the rules of being Invincible the hard way. It’ll involve a lot failing and perhaps even more lives being lost. This is on top of what he’ll go through with his father, girlfriends, and other moments that can’t be mentioned without spoilers.

Invincible growing
A key part to any successful program are the characters evolving. When they remain stagnant it will cause the show to get repetitive and dull. Throughout Mark’s life, he’s going to lose. Not just fights. There are times in his life that he’ll be defeated. He won’t know how to handle emotional moments and that will lead to more loss and defeats. This is on top of the fact that his friends and teammates will evolve too, becoming either different and better people or regressing into worse ones.
All of this will result in scenes that will undoubtedly shock you. However, Mark learns from everything and he is a stronger character because of it. This is part of what kept the comic book series fresh. The same will no doubt happen in the TV series.
Let’s use Mark’s relationship with Eve as another instance. They’ll go through more heartaches and physical trauma than anyone should – even by comic book standards – experiences we won’t understand since we don’t live in a fantasy world. Of course, they will also go through some real life problems. And even though they may say say and do things they regret (and struggle to forgive and forget), watching them come together after everything that happens will undoubtedly be so authentic. Honestly, it’s beautiful.
The comic book series set the stage for an incredible exploration of evolution and relationships. Here’s hoping the show does the same.
No Invincible spoilers
To be frank, it was difficult to write what to expect from Invincible without spoiling too much of what we see in the comics. Eve and Mark’s chemistry is obvious from the moment they meet. You know they’ll be together. Whether they remain together is another story. The other parts of Mark’s life are something else all together.
From episode one throughout the series you’re going cheer, hate, and love everyone from the main protagonist to the lowliest villain. Before you press play, do yourself a favor; brace yourself. Amazon’s Invincible will be something special.
Amazon’s Invincible premieres March 26 on Amazon Prime. Are you excited for the show’s release? Let us know in the comments below!