Black Lightning season 4, episode 9 review: Lyding

Black Lightning -- “The Book of Ruin: Chapter Four:Lyding“ -- Image Number: BLK409fg_0054r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Mcalin Hand as Uriah and Laura Kariuki as Lightning — Photo: The CW -- 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Black Lightning -- “The Book of Ruin: Chapter Four:Lyding“ -- Image Number: BLK409fg_0054r.jpg -- Pictured (L-R): Mcalin Hand as Uriah and Laura Kariuki as Lightning — Photo: The CW -- 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /

The Pierce Family takes another brutal hit in this week’s episode of Black Lightning season 4

Previously on Black Lightning season 4, Tobias was getting the best of the Pierce family. The biggest move he made was framing Jefferson for embezzlement – something that is ruining Jefferson’s reputation in Freeland (in spite of all the good that he has done). There are even students who believe he did it.

Something else that must have hurt Jefferson even more was seeing a colleague of his that he once helped standing next to Tobias while he was conducting a speech for his mayoral run.

With such a major victory in Tobias’ column, maybe it’s time for the Pierce family to catch a break. However, don’t hold your breath. With that in mind, let’s look at what went down in the latest episode of Black Lightning season 4.

Lynn is hurting as well in Black Lightning season 4

The beginning of Black Lighting saw Jefferson having nightmares. This episode, however, started with Lynn having one of her own – one that saw her in her lab as she trapped Jefferson, Jennifer, and Anissa in a room in an attempt to take their powers away. Instead, this attempt killed them. If the nightmare wasn’t bad enough, Lynn also had to deal with the fact that she lost her research because of Jefferson’s embezzlement case. Two decades of work lost in less than a week.

With everything else Jefferson, Anissa, and Jennifer are going through, we forget that Lynn is dealing with trauma as well. Overcoming her addiction is enough but constantly feeling that your family is hurting and you’re powerless to stop it is another. That’s on top of being a pawn in Tobias Whale’s games. It’s something that seems to get overlooked throughout the series because Lynn isn’t in the field fighting with her family.

Black Lightning, Black Lightning season 4, Black Lightning season 4, Black Lightning season 4 episode 9, Black Lightning season 4 review
Black Lightning — “The Book of Ruin: Chapter Four:Lyding“ — Image Number: BLK409fg_0029r.jpg — Pictured: Rico BAll as Ishmael — Photo: The CW — 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /

Call me Ishmael

Ishmael found Jennifer as Lightning while she was attempting to help save the music program in Garfield High School. After she finished her Instagram Live video, she started getting pains in her body. After she flies away, we see that Ishmael was behind it.

Ishmael’s character truly rocks. The way he collected intel and remained unseen while doing so was perfect. It’s what you’d expect from a master assassin: Learning about your target before going after them.

The bigger part of the story here is Jennifer. She continues to be reckless. Her cause may have been noble, but, as we see, it was risky and she could have been killed. Even after she learns how dangerous Ishmael is, she takes him lightly because she’s powerful. Jennifer may look different now, but she hasn’t lost her impulsive streak.

Black Lightning, Black Lightning season 4, Black Lightning season 4, Black Lightning season 4 episode 9, Black Lightning season 4 review
Black Lightning — “The Book of Ruin: Chapter Four:Lyding“ — Image Number: BLK409fg_0012r.jpg — Pictured: Jordan Calloway as Painkiller — Photo: The CW — 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /

Bring the pain

During his last appearance, Khalil said he was going to help clear Jefferson’s name. He made good on that promise here as he appeared in this episode and destroyed everyone in his way. And, like the Painkiller episode, he looked cool doing it. He got the information he needed and showed he can cure people from the poison he produces.

Initially, this writer didn’t like Painkiller’s voice. It may have distinguished the difference between Painkiller and Khalil, but it didn’t seem right. For some reason, it seemed much better this time around. Maybe it was everything that happened during the scene. Watching him come in and kick all sorts of butt with the cowboy music added a great deal to the moment. Plus, Jordan Calloway did a fantastic job.

Black Lightning, Black Lightning season 4, Black Lightning season 4, Black Lightning season 4 episode 9, Black Lightning season 4 review
Black Lightning — “The Book of Reunification: Chapter One” — Image Number: BLK410b_0003r.jpg — Pictured: Laura Kariuki as Lightning — Photo: Boris Martin/The CW — 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /

Jennifer never learns

No matter how many times Jennifer is told to do the responsible thing, count on her to do whatever she wants. Jefferson told her that being Lightning would get her in trouble. And, as expected, it did.

Chief Ana Lopez set her up because she wasn’t careful. If you’ve been watching the show, you probably weren’t shocked. What is surprising is that she wasn’t arrested. The way Black Lightning has been going, it seemed like the road they’d take.

Black Lightning vs Ishmael

This is the fight we wanted to see as soon as Ishmael made his debut and it didn’t disappoint. It’s clear that Ishmael was prepared for Black Lightning’s powers and he was the better fighter here. Too bad for Ishmael that Black Lightning always adjusts. The lightning uppercut that the hero delivered was brutal.

The outcome was never really in question. Of course Black Lightning wouldn’t be killed. However, we didn’t expect him to lose his powers in the middle of the fight. And that was a perfect cliffhanger to ensure that viewers eagerly await the next episode of the Arrowverse series.

Black Lightning — “The Book of Ruin: Chapter Four:Lyding“ — Image Number: BLK409fg_0022r.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Christopher Ammanuel Darby as TC and James Remar as Gambi — Photo: The CW — 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved.
Black Lightning — “The Book of Ruin: Chapter Four:Lyding“ — Image Number: BLK409fg_0022r.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Christopher Ammanuel Darby as TC and James Remar as Gambi — Photo: The CW — 2021 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved. /

Black Lightning review

While the acting on Black Lightning is usually of a really high standard, there were a number of moments in this episode that felt a little subpar. Thankfully, the good outweighed the bad here, especially the ending.

All the heroes with superpowers lost their abilities at inopportune times. Anissa lost them as a car was about to hit her, Jefferson disappeared as he was fighting Ishmael and Jennifer may be in the most trouble because she lost them as she was flying in the air. Even TC couldn’t access his abilities to get Black Lightning an escape route. It definitely makes you wonder how they’ll get out of this. Or, if the rest of the season will be showing how they never needed powers to begin with.

Lightning Round

  • Lyding means pain; hurting; distress; misery; suffering; ache. An appropriate title for this episode and Black Lightning season 4 in general.
  • Laura Kariuki is nailing Jennifer Pierce’s character. It must have been difficult jumping into this role, especially considering how good China Anne McClain was, but she’s doing a great job.
  • TC remains a great character. He doesn’t need to be in the action to be important and crucial to the team.
  • Lynn getting arrested was shocking. It was a moment that really started to make things hit harder. She’s an innocent person caught in Tobias’ plan.
  • Just like when Jefferson was put in jail and manhandled in prison, it was difficult seeing it happen to Lynn. Maybe even more so here.
  • Everyone losing their powers was the biggest blow Tobias has struck so far. You have to admire how great he’s been this season.

Next. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier shines a light on America’s dark past. dark

What did you think of this week’s episode of Black Lightning season 4? Are you looking forward to the next episode? What do you think will happen to Black Lightning and his family? Let us know in the comments below.