4. Eddie Brock: King in Black
Comic book: King in Black No. 5 of 5
Knull arrived and put a giant symbiote cloak over the Earth which prevented any sunlight from getting through. The X-Men, Fantastic Four, and other heroes tried to defend Earth but were defeated by Knull and his forces. Some of Earth’s heroes like Wolverine, Storm, and Ben Grimm were all turned into minions of Knull. Thankfully, Eddie Brock came back to life and saved the day.
Eddie Brock was brought back by the Enigma Force. With it, he combined the Power Cosmic and Thor’s Hammer Mjolnir into a weapon. Brock easily defeated Knull and put things back to normal. With Knull dead, a new King in Black was needed. That king is Eddie Brock.
Why is this important?
Eddie Brock is in a position that he’s never been in before. He’s not just Venom. He has beings to look over. He’s a god of sorts now. With that comes new responsibilities – and not just to the Klyntar. Eddie has stepped into a new food chain. He’ll be tested by things he never knew existed.
Beings with the power of gods and actual gods will be coming after him. They’re going to want what he has. We’ll get to see what Eddie Brock is really made of. And, if we’re being honest, he’s easily the best Venom ever. This is a role he’s been destined to play.