Red Hood evolves, Hulk returns and 7 jaw-dropping comic book moments you need to see

Cosplayer Jacob Lavelle as Red Hood
Cosplayer Jacob Lavelle as Red Hood
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4. Drama with the Fantastic Four

Comic book: Fantastic Four No. 32

Johnny Storm met his soulmate, Sky, on a different planet. For a while, it seemed like everything was going well for the two of them and that should have been a red flag because things don’t go that well for that long for Johnny Storm. As expected, Johnny messes up big time. Instead of doing the mature thing after an argument, he sleeps with Doom’s most trusted advisor Victorious. In the morning, Doom proposes and she says yes.

Before all this happened, Alicia uses her father’s powers to make Johnny’s ex-wife Lyja leave Johnny alone forever – a move that no one could have seen coming… except she used her powers earlier in the Fantastic Four wedding special too.

Why is this important?

Johnny messing up isn’t anything new. He always thinks with his libido before anything else. The problem here is what happens when Sky finds out. Even more important, what happens when Dr. Doom does? It’s certainly not going to end well for anyone involved.

Now, we have Alicia Grimm. She’s usually the most honorable person in the Fantastic Four family. Using the powers she received from Puppet Master is unlike her even if she was using them for righteous reasons. Regardless of her reason, Ben isn’t going to see it as the right thing to do. This will definitely drive a wedge between them.