8. Spider-Clones looking for a cure
Comic book: Miles Morales: Spider-Man No. 26
Writer Saladin Ahmed took the Spider-Man: Clone Saga and made it respectable. How is he doing that? By adding a new twist to the story. These Spider-Men impersonating Miles Morales weren’t looking to hurt anyone despite what they’ve done, they’re looking for a cure to keep them alive.
Miles found their lab and destroyed the equipment they collected to help them. The unfortunate part is Miles found this out the hard way. When the clones see what he’s done, they beat him unconscious. When he wakes up, the clone leader tells Miles that he’s going to make his life a living Hell until they die.
Why is this important?
Miles has been getting angrier and more impulsive over the last few months. Considering what he’s been through, it’s not shocking. He was overly aggressive to a rich guy who was treating his tenants poorly. Later, he grabbed his best friend Ganke because he’s dating his ex. That’s on top of the stuff going on with teenage heroes being outlawed and Kamala being in a coma. And let’s not forget that he’s also an emotional teenager.
We’ll have to see if this is a wakeup call for Miles. If not, we could be looking at a long period of Miles losing friends.
Ironically, Peter Parker has gone through this as well. Maybe it’s a right of passage for Spider-Men.