What are the best comic book movie moments of all time?
Comic book movies have been a major part of our lives for decades. It isn’t something that’s just become a trend. They’ve been a part of our lives since Christopher Reeve was Superman back in the late 1970s. Before that, Adam West was a movie star as Batman. We’ve enjoyed them before, but now? They’re a billion-dollar industry that produces anywhere between three and five movies a year. We can’t get enough of them. One thing that the older movies have in common with the newer ones are great moments.
Comic book movies are known for having great scenes. They make us laugh, cry, and applaud. It’s amazing. It’s hilarious that Hollywood’s elite (looking at you, Francis Ford Coppola and Martin Scorsese) doesn’t consider it real cinema. These projects make people feel the same kind of emotions their movies do.
Here, this writer is going to break down the 100 greatest comic book movie moments of all time. Some of them are going to bring you joy. However, great is defined as, “of an extent, amount, or intensity considerably above the normal or average” there will be some cringe worthy moments as well. They may not bring happy feelings, but they’re still memorable. Either way, they both grant strong feelings. Let’s begin.