Old Cable returns to team up with the X-Men and Deadpool in new Marvel installment

pb0380_comp_v2002.1023 – Josh Brolin as Cable in Twentieth Century Fox’s DEADPOOL 2. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.
pb0380_comp_v2002.1023 – Josh Brolin as Cable in Twentieth Century Fox’s DEADPOOL 2. Photo Credit: Courtesy Twentieth Century Fox.

The X-Men bring back the original Cable to help his younger self defeat Stryfe.

The older Nathan Summers a.k.a. Cable was killed in the Marvel X-Men event Extermination. In that saga, he was slain by his younger self for failing the future. Since then, the young Cable has been the only Nathan Summers in the Marvel Comics 616 reality. He’s been unlike his older self, having a bigger personality, an exciting personal life and he still has his powers with no metal arm.

In the recent run of Cable (written by megastar writer Gerry Duggan), supervillain Stryfe was brought back and he’s been stealing mutant babies to ignite a demon invasion. It’s been weeks of not being able to find Stryfe and only half the babies have been found. With lives on the line, Nathan proposes something that’s not allowed: He wants to bring back his older self. After a lot of debating, Xavier and Magento (who Elixer called the Helmet Bros) approved Old Cable’s return.

Old Cable returns to help his younger self and the X-Men

Cable knows where Stryfe is. He’s currently in another dimension with an army of demons – a place that Magik says is like Limbo, but not exactly. Old Cable tells his younger self to call in the cavalry. The young one does just that, getting a few X-Men and even Deadpool to help him fight. While all this is going on, old Cable stops Stryfe from killing a baby.

Cable will be ending the series with issue No 12. This is shocking considering the younger Cable has a more likeable personality. Then again, nothing beats the original. With two Cables in existence, will one of them have to go? Not necessarily. Older Cable is a time traveler. He doesn’t have to stay in the present to be a factor for the X-Men. He can disappear and come back to the present during crossovers. This leaves younger Cable to move about without an issue. We’ll have to wait and see.

Issue No. 12 of Cable is released on July 28. Stay tuned for the conclusion.

What do you think? Will the older Cable stick around? Does this mean the younger version has to die? Let us know in the comments below.