Fans of Judge Dredd waited years to see the character make the transition from comic book pages to the big screen.
Unfortunately for them, the first movie they got was 1995’s Judge Dredd starring Sylvester Stallone. More casual fans could be forgiven for not being able to tell the difference between it and Stallone’s 1993 film, Demolition Man. They looked and felt quite similar.
But in 2012, their patience was rewarded when Karl Urban put the helmet on and started delivering justice to Mega-City One in Dredd. This movie absolutely nailed the tone of the character and the story, in no small part due to the fact the main character kept the helmet on.
Dredd becomes judge, jury, and executioner

Some people don’t know this, but Judge Dredd’s history is quite lengthy. He made his comic book debut on the pages of 2000 AD in 1977. John Wagner and Carlos Ezquerra created the character in the vein of a tough-as-nails Dirty Harry style cop taken to the next level.
It’s safe to say they achieved their goal. Dredd lives in a post-apocalyptic future where much of the country is an endless wasteland and people live in massive cities. Extensive automation has left the vast majority of residents unemployed and up to no good.
The police system has undergone extensive changes, too. Now called Judges, they are empowered to stop crimes by any means necessary, no matter how violent. And they also carry judgments out on the spot. This often means immediate executions.
Judge Dredd is one of the most feared Judges on the streets of Mega-City One. He has no sense of humor and next to no compassion whatsoever. The man is a stone-cold killer who might not even know what the word remorse means. He certainly has none.
Karl Urban made Dredd
The first film adaptation of the character in the 1990s was, without question, a dud. It missed the point of the character and the story, leaving many elements of the dystopian future behind. But 2012’s Dredd certainly figured out how to make it work.
A big reason for the superiority of Dredd is the lead actor, Karl Urban. To explain why that is, it’s important to go back to Sylvester Stallone. When watching Judge Dredd, it’s evident that this is Stallone playing a part. He’s a perfectly good actor but he’s always Stallone.
Urban, on the other hand, disappeared into the role. Fans never saw his entire face once throughout the film because he never took the iconic helmet off. Stallone, on the other hand, barely wore the helmet throughout his movie. Once it was off, it never came back.
Without question, the movie hinged on Urban’s performance as the titular character. He was perfectly grim, dark, and violent. The man embodied the character in a performance that still holds up nearly a decade later.
Dredd abides
While it’s Urban that makes this movie great, there is more to it than that. The producers did a superb job of depicting the violence and hopelessness of Mega-City One. That setting is key to making this story work.

Additionally, a movie like this needs a superb villain, and Lena Headey absolutely delivered as Madeline “Ma-Ma” Madrigal. The star was menacing and unsettling as a character willing to sacrifice anyone to stay on top, something she perfected on Game of Thrones.
But what’s definitely needed in a Judge Dredd movie is non-stop action. And once the story was rolling, that’s what fans got. This was Dredd dishing out punishment as only he can. The only real problem with the movie is that fans want more and haven’t got it, yet.
Ever since the movie came out, there has been discussion of a sequel or TV series. Unfortunately, Dredd did poorly at the box office, making it a hard conversation. But the post-box office success of the movie has kept these possibilities in the mix.
Have you seen Dredd? If so, were you a fan? Would you like to see a sequel? Let us know in the comments below!