Marvel Comics kills off Nathan Summers’ greatest and most persistent villain in the Cable series finale.
It’s disappointing when Marvel Comics cancels a series. It’s even worse when it’s a good run. This is what we have here. After twelve issues, it’s the end of Gerry Duggan’s run of Cable. The good thing is Gerry Duggan is a writer you can trust. He ended this series with a fantastic issue with emotional moments, some closure, and the death of a villain.
In issue No. 7, Nathan Summer (Cable) and his sister Rachel Summers stopped mutant babies from being killed. When he scanned one of the villain’s minds, Cable discovered that his long-time villain Stryfe was alive and behind the mutant babies being kidnapped and killed. He tried to find Stryfe for a while with no luck. He comes to the conclusion that the only way to find him was to resurrect his older self.
After resurrecting old Nathan Summers, a team of Cyclops, Jean Grey, Rachel and Hope Summers, Esme, and Deadpool joined both Cables on a trip to defeat Stryfe and his army of demons. As predicted, the battle wasn’t an easy one. Stryfe is one of the strongest and telepathic and telekinetic mutants in Marvel Comics. In the end, Jean Grey removed the helmet that protected Stryfe from telepathic assaults. Jean and Esme held Stryfe’s psionic powers at bay while both Cable’s could deal with him.
After realizing his death was imminent, Stryfe tried to plead for amnesty at Krakoa. Both Cable’s sarcastically said they didn’t hear him and shot him. Leaving a giant hole in Stryfe’s torso. While Stryfe is dead, their battle with him is far from over. They both knew that it was time for them to leave this time and resume their battles with Stryfe throughout time.
Marvel Comics’ Cable will be back
Young Cable’s debut in Extermination No. 1 made him look like a villain. As the story continued, we find out that everything he did was for a heroic reason. Old Cable knew he was going to die and let it happen. He knew it was part of his past. That’s the benefit of knowing your history.
Young Nathan Summers was one of the best characters on Krakoa. He was nothing like his older self except for being an exceptional fighter, planner, and soldier. His wit and overall happy demeanor will be missed. The good news is he’ll be back. As we’ve seen throughout Marvel Comics, Cable always returns.
What do you think? Will young Nathan Summers return in a future title? Do you want to see him back in action? Let us know in the comments below.