What If…?: 5 burning questions fans need answered from episode 9

The Watcher in Marvel Studios' WHAT IF...? exclusively on Disney+. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
The Watcher in Marvel Studios' WHAT IF...? exclusively on Disney+. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
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What If...?, What If...? season 1, What If...? season 1 episode 9, What If...? episode 9, How long is What If...?, What If...? season finale, How long is the What If...? finale?
Infinity Ultron in Marvel Studios’ WHAT IF…? exclusively on Disney+. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.

The season finale of Marvel Studios’ What If…? left viewers with more questions than we went in with. Here are 5 burning questions we need answers to after the final episode.

All good things must come to an end. In this case, this writer is talking about Marvel Studios’ What If…? A Disney Plus show that delivered on the title. We saw realities that have made us smile, laugh, and cry. The season finale was more of the same.

The Watcher took the greatest heroes he could find to bring down Ultron. Party Thor, Demon Doctor Strange, Captain Carter, T’Challa the Star-Lord, Killmonger the Black Panther, and the Thanos-killing Gamora were all brought together for a seemingly impossible mission. But they succeeded.

Despite the win, Uatu interfered. Will there be repercussions to his actions? That’s only one of the many questions that need to be answered.

5. What if…? the Guardians battled the Avengers

We’ve seen a lot of teams brought together at the last minute. The Guardians of the Multiverse aren’t the first and they won’t be the last. However, they were particularly good. Their teamwork and chemistry is something to be admired. Captain Carter took the lead and everyone followed her orders.

They were good, but are they good enough to beat the Avengers of the Marvel Cinematic Universe? There are a lot of factors that could give either side the victory. Maybe one day we’ll get an answer.