FX Hulu cancels Y: The Last Man after one season, but this may not be the last season.
Brian K. Vaughan’s comic book Y: The Last Man is a highly regarded comic book. With that in mind, it wasn’t shocking to hear that it was going to be adapted to television.
The first few episodes of the FX on Hulu series showed promise. However, the writing was unfortunately on the wall. This writer assumed the show wouldn’t get a second season. And unfortunately, those concerns came to fruition.
The buzz around the project wasn’t great and the changes made from the book to the show seemed odd. Nevertheless, we all hoped the show would get another shot to stand out. Unfortunately, Y: The Last Man was canceled before season 1 could conclude.
While that’s bad news, there is a silver lining. The showrunner of Y: The Last Man isn’t giving up hope for a second season.
Showrunner Eliza Clark remains positive that the story will continue saying:
"“…we know that someone else is going to be very lucky to have this team and this story. I have never experienced the remarkable solidarity of this many talented people. We are committed to finding Y its next home. #YLivesOn.”"
Eliza Clark isn’t the only person staying positive. Writer of the Y: The Last Man comic book Brian K. Vaughan had hopeful words as well, reminding us that “this is not the first time in 20 years” Ihe has “seen Yorick & co. escape the seemingly inescapable.”
Agent 355 actress Ashley Romans tweeted, “Thank you for this message of support! don’t trip love. we ain’t through yet.”

Y: The Last Man will hopefully land on its feet
Looking back, it seems that some channels and platforms just aren’t built for comic book shows. Netflix is a perfect example. Despite being the premiere streaming service, it doesn’t feature a lot of major comic book franchises and it’s notorious among the genre’s fans for canceling all of its Marvel Comics shows as well as Jupiter’s Legacy.
FX has tried with Helstrom and now Y: The Last Man. Two franchises that had loads of potential. But maybe not every network can make a comic book show work. Meanwhile, The CW, HBO Max and Disney Plus seem to have the right formula with their respective DC and Marvel shows.
In this case, cancellation doesn’t mean it’s over for good. Y: The Last Man could always live again on another streaming service or TV network. Amazon Prime should have been Y: The Last Man’s landing spot from the beginning. We’ve seen The Boys and Invincible thrive on Amazon because the platform allows the shows to be what they are. That means the uncomfortable subjects will be brought up and used. FX has done a great job letting creators create, but something about FX on Hulu’s Y: The Last Man just didn’t click.
Y: The Last Man will hopefully be picked up. Don’t be surprised if it happens sooner rather than later. Comic book franchises are a hot commodity. Y: The Last Man is among the best to have.
If that doesn’t work, perhaps it can continue as an animated series. This would give the creative team more freedom to work with the source material combined with their vision.
The fact that everyone behind the show is determined to fight for it is inspiring. It shows that being told “no” is just a roadblock. All you have to do is get past it. Here’s hoping that they do.
What do you think? Is there a future for this show? Where do you see Y: The Last Man landing? Let us know in the comments below.