The first two episodes of Marvel Studios’ Hawkeye left fans wanting answers to these five questions.
Hawkeye will be the show that ends the first year of Disney Plus‘ Marvel Cinematic Universe shows. Like the previous programs, it proved to be a very different kind of series.
One thing this show did was immediately pay homage to the comics. Little things like the random dog in Kate and Clint’s life, the Tracksuit Mafia, and even the opening credits looked like art from the Hawkeye comic series. As a fan of Matt Fraction’s classic run, this was great to see.
Both episodes were incredible, fun, and did a fantastic job of introducing Kate Bishop to the world. After they were over, they undoubtedly left viewers with questions about what will happen in episode three. Here are five of those queries we need answered.
5. Who killed Armand III?
This was the first big question that everyone wanted answered. Who killed (as Kate Bishop said it) Kate’s mom’s finance’s uncle? The easiest answer is Jack Duquesne. One, he’s very creepy. Two, he has issues with Armand. Third, he’s a Marvel Comics character named Swordsman. And, seeing how Armand III died most likely by a sword, it was him.
However, that seems too easy. A quick Google search would show you who Jack is. Nevertheless, with the MCU, it could be the easy answer or the complicated one.