Hawkeye: 5 burning questions fans need answered for the season finale

Vera Farmiga as Eleanor Bishop and Tony Dalton as Jack Duquesne in Marvel Studios' HAWKEYE. Photo by Chuck Zlotnick. © Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved.
Vera Farmiga as Eleanor Bishop and Tony Dalton as Jack Duquesne in Marvel Studios' HAWKEYE. Photo by Chuck Zlotnick. © Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved. /
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Alaqua Cox as Maya Lopez and Fra Fee as Kazi in Marvel Studios’ HAWKEYE. Photo by Chuck Zlotnick. ©Marvel Studios 2021. All Rights Reserved. /

2. Will Yelena still try to kill Hawkeye?

Yelena has every reason to want Clint Barton dead. For all she knows, Clint either killed her sister (Black Widow) or he let her die. As we’ve seen, the reason doesn’t matter. She wants Clint dead. Nevertheless, people change their minds. Especially heroes.

Yelena may find out that she’s being played. If this is the case, then she could drop her vendetta against Clint. If she does, her energy could then be directed at Eleanor. It’s doubtful that she’ll go after Valentina. All she did was give her a job. She’ll want the person who lied to her. Plus, she could be the Black Widow on Fisk’s Dark Avengers. He already has a Captain America in U.S. Agent.

1. Why did Fisk want Maya’s father dead?

Maya Lopez was born into organized crime. Her father, William Lopez, was the head of the Tracksuit Mafia and respected by Wilson Fisk. For some reason, however, Fisk wanted him dead. We don’t know why, but we can assume it’s because Maya’s father was trying to leave him. Marvel Studios loves redemption stories. Fans do as well. Most likely, this is what was happening here.

If you work with Wilson Fisk, it’s for as long as you’re useful. If you’re no longer needed or try to leave, he’ll kill you. William Lopez could have wanted a better life for Maya or was going to talk to the police. Or, and here’s the one we’ll might actually see, William Lopez was undercover this entire time?

Next. Hawkeye season 1, episode 5 review: Ronin. dark

What do you think? Are there other questions you want answered in the Hawkeye season finale? Let us know in the comments below.