5. Marcus, Saya, and the Kenji
Comic book: Deadly Class No. 49
It’s the year 2001. Saya’s brother (and head of the Yakuza, Kenji) still wants his sister murdered. Not only does Kenji want her dead, though, he wants her to suffer first. His plan is to have her built up, clean from drugs, and then killed at her happiest. The person who can do that is someone who she trusts. It looks like the person to do it is Marcus. He was the one who found her and got her clean.
After Saya got the drugs out of her system, the two talked in a diner. Soon after, they went back to his place and slept together. During it, however, she had him at gunpoint. Before the issue ends, we see that Saya’s brother is watching. What looked like a tool to add danger to sex could actually be Saya threatening Marcus.
Why is this important?
Saya is far from foolish. She knew Marcus was working for someone. He avoided answering the questions when she asked. This must have made her suspicious. Saya could have slept with Marcus to get him to admit to what he was doing. However, we don’t know if Marcus is the one that Kenji hired, if Marcus told Saya what’s going on, or if he planned to go through with it at all.
4. Lex Luthor buys Batman Inc.
Comic book: Batman No. 118
Bruce Wayne’s funds have been vastly diminished since the end of Joker War. Not having his mansion and his tech is one thing, but things have gotten worse: He’s lost Batman Inc. A company Bruce started to protect people around the world.
After his former operatives killed Abyss, Batman went to the crime scene to figure out why. Before the investigation could truly begin, he was approached by Lex Luthor, who claimed he was there to protect his investment. Yes, he’s the new owner of Batman Inc.
Why is this important?
Sometimes Lex Luthor wants to help people (even if his motives are selfish). Other times he’s trying to kill Superman or take over the world or multiverse. This is going to be no different. We don’t know if Lex is actually trying to help or ruin Batman’s name. This writer would bet the former due to Lex’s jealousy. He’d want to prove that he could do a better job with the Batman name than the actual Dark Knight.