Michael Morbius is unleashed in final Morbius trailer

Morbius (Jared Leto) in Columbia Pictures' MORBIUS.
Morbius (Jared Leto) in Columbia Pictures' MORBIUS.

Morbius is leaping into theaters this year to expand Sony’s Spider-Man Universe. The film tells the story of Michael Morbius (Jared Leto), a scientist who, while trying to cure himself of a lifelong illness, ends up transforming into a vampire-like creature with super-strength, the power of flight, and an irresistible thirst for blood.

Earlier this year, the Daniel Espinosa-directed film was taken off its Jan. 28, 2022 release date and pushed back to April 1, 2022. Now, that date is only a month away, and Sony has released the movie’s final trailer, featuring a lot of excitement, and a better insight into the plot.

Watch the final Morbius trailer

By nature, Michael Morbius is a relatively mature character, so it’s not surprising to see his film embrace his comic-book roots. With that said, what is surprising is how mature Morbius feels — especially in comparison to the Venom movies which, despite some dark moments, largely stayed in the lighthearted and comedic realm.

Much like The Batman, it appears Michael Morbius’ solo adventure will be pushing its PG-13 rating to the limit.

How is Morbius connected to the Rest of the Spider-Verse

Morbius is not going to be completely standalone. In fact, it will further stretch out its franchise’s webs to touch on new aspects of Sony’s Spider-Man mythology and bring over one or some recognizable faces. Firstly, there’s Michael Keaton’s Adrian Toomes, who, as shown in Morbius‘ first teaser, will return following his appearance in 2017’s Spider-Man: Homecoming.

However, there could be an even bigger cameo on the horizon: the lovable, murderous goo himself, Venom. During an interview with Moviezine (translated through Google Translate), director Daniel Espinosa seemed to indicate that Tom Hardy would, in some way, play a role in Morbius:

"“It usually feels strange before the day begins, when you look at the schedule and stand on the set yourself. When you walk around there, the recording looks just like a Swedish production, but then when you look at the schedule and read names like Michael Keaton, Jared Leto, Tom Hardy, then it feels cool and very exciting. But once you start working, it’s exactly the same thing. An actor wants a director and actors want to be directed.”"

Before getting too excited, though, this doesn’t confirm an Eddie Brock cameo, since Espinosa could have simply made a mistake. Furthermore, even if something Venom-related was indeed filmed, it could have ended up on the cutting room floor. Either way, though, the idea of having Venom show up — even if just for a scene — is an enticing prospect.

Aside from some possible cameos, Morbius‘ first official trailer also featured the Oscorp building. Most importantly, though, its first teaser featured a poster of Spider-Man labeled “Murderer,”  further showing how the film will strengthen the connective threads between installments in Sony’s nascent superhero franchise.

That’s not to say that Morbius‘ cameos and references will overshadow the story, of course. The Living Vampire is a layered and complex character, so we’re confident that his journey will be the main focus of the film, while Easter Eggs and possible cameos will simply be an added bonus.

Morbius will fly into theaters on April 1, 2022.

What did you think about this final Morbius trailer? Let us know in the comments!