When will Marvel’s Luke Cage start streaming on Disney Plus?

Marvel's Luke Cage
Marvel's Luke Cage /

Seasons 1 and 2 of Luke Cage will be streaming on Disney Plus. Find out when it’ll happen and why moving there is a good thing.

The Marvel Netflix shows helped revolutionize TV for comic book characters. Agents of S.H.I.E.LD. was great, but they could rely on Phil Coulson. He was one of the most popular characters in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and he wasn’t an Avenger.

For characters like Luke Cage, he had a strike against him. Unless you were a comic book fan, you may not know who Luke Cage is. Netflix helped bring light on an amazing character.

Back in 2018, fans witnessed the cancellation of Netflix’s Marvel Comics shows. One by one, each of the shows were canceled. Luke Cage’s being dropped was disappointing for a couple of reasons.

First, the second season was better than the first for multiple reasons. Second, it was left on such a cliffhanger. Cage becoming a kingpin seemed weird. The good news is, if you’ve never seen the show or want to revisit it, you can see it on Disney Plus starting March 16.

Why Luke Cage on Disney Plus is a good thing

When Luke Cage was canceled back in 2018, this writer didn’t think it was over. The show may not have been stellar, but there was a lot of potential. Especially Mike Colter. He was near perfect as Cage.

The show coming to Disney Plus means that Netflix no longer holds the rights to the lead character. Meaning, if the show streams well on Disney Plus, we may see the program could return. At the very least, we could see Mike Colter bulletproof in a yellow shirt once again.

Obviously, this is all speculation from a hopeful writer. Nevertheless, this could happen. Disney Plus has been on a roll in terms of Marvel Studios shows. So far, there hasn’t been a failure. Because of this, we could see success from Luke Cage. A new creative team could help that. Hopefully, it streams well enough to bring it back from obscurity.

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What do you think, readers? Would you like to see new episodes of Luke Cage on Disney Plus? Let us know in the comments below.