Thor: Love and Thunder is not coming out in May 2022

Thor Love and Thunder. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2020. All Rights Reserved.
Thor Love and Thunder. Photo courtesy of Marvel Studios. ©Marvel Studios 2020. All Rights Reserved.

Thor: Love and Thunder is almost upon us, but don’t be expecting the MCU movie to premiere this month. 

The God of Thunder is set to return to the big screen. Chris Hemsworth will reprise his role as Thor for the fourth solo movie headlined by the character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and to say Thor: Love and Thunder is one of this year’s most eagerly-awaited movies would be something of an understatement.

Set after the character’s most recent appearance in Avengers: Endgame, it will chart his journey back to heroism (seemingly with the Guardians of the Galaxy) before he decides to stop wielding the axe once and for all. However, that might be set to change when former love Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) resurfaces – because this time, she is wielding Thor’s hammer Mjolnir after becoming the Mighty Thor herself.

The film’s release is not far off, but don’t be expecting to see it in movie theaters just yet, as it won’t be released in May.

Thor: Love and Thunder release date 2022

Thor: Love and Thunder will be released in movie theaters on Friday, July 8, 2022. That’s not that far away, but the film was initially planned to release a bit earlier than that.

Originally planned for a November 2021 release, it was delayed to February 18 before subsequently being brought forward a week to February 11. However, it was then delayed once more as it was moved to its current July release window.

The great news is that July is very close and Thor 4 looks set to be the perfect summer blockbuster!

If you’re craving the MCU on the big screen in the meantime, though, Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness is currently in theaters.

Are you looking forward to Thor: Love and Thunder? What would you like to see from the film? Let us know in the comments below!