Billy Butcher: 10 huge facts you need to know about The Boys’ diabolical leader

The Boys: Diabolical -- Courtesy of Prime Video
The Boys: Diabolical -- Courtesy of Prime Video /
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The Boys – Episode 303 – “Barbary Coast” Courtesy Prime Video
The Boys – Episode 303 – “Barbary Coast” Courtesy Prime Video /

8. Killed most of Payback single handedly

When Vought America’s James Sitwell sent Payback after The Boys, he assumed that the superhero team could take them down. Afterall, they’re more powerful and the second best team in the world. Stormfront alone could defeat them. Too bad powers and abilities don’t mean anything when you have someone as crafty and ruthless as Billy Butcher.

Butcher killed Soldier Boy, Crimson Countess, Swatto, and Mind-Droid by himself. He used the element of surprise and their fear against them. It also helped that they used zero teamwork. When Stormfront tried to bring them together, Butcher took him out by nearly blinding him. Stormfront flew away instead of staying and fighting, leaving his teammates to be slaughtered by Billy Butcher.

7. His father was abusive

Billy Butcher’s father is the definition of unforgivable. He physically abused his wife so bad she needed a glass eye, he cheated on her every chance he got, and drank himself into a stupor on a regular basis. And the verbal abuse to his two sons never ended either. His excuse was he was a man and bringing in the money. A lot of these traits Butcher adopted.

When Butcher left the military, he became a drunk. He was picking fights for no reason and flat out being reckless. He’s lucky he met Becca before things got too bad. She changed him for the better in every way possible.