X-Men: Drama at the Hellfire will cause friction throughout Marvel Comics

Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: ENDGAME..Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019
Marvel Studios' AVENGERS: ENDGAME..Tony Stark/Iron Man (Robert Downey Jr.)..Photo: Film Frame..©Marvel Studios 2019 /

The 2022 X-Men Hellfire Gala will have major repercussions on the entire Marvel Comics universe and it starts with these moments. 

Marvel‘s Hellfire Gala will be the mutant event of the year. There are all sorts of celebrities attending, from Jon Hamm to Victor von Doom (Doom wondered if David Bowie was a mutant). Of course there was the announcement that there was a new X-Men line-up. Jean Grey, Cyclops, Synch, Firestar, Iceman, Havok, Forge, and Magik are the new mutant team. With the announcement came secrets amongst the team before they had their first mission.

Forge is working on something that may force him to get kicked off the team. Meanwhile, Firestar may report back to the Avengers on what’s going on. That’s only two things that happened during the Hellfire Gala. And they may even be the most inconsequential. Here are the other noteworthy moments from the X-Men’s Hellfire Gala. You can judge which ones are most important.

Tony Stark learns secrets

Back in X-Men/Fantastic, readers found out that Reed Richards has a way to hide the mutant gene. When Charles Xavier and Magneto found this out, Xavier erased Reed’s memory on how he created the device. Being the arrogant jerks that they are, Xavier told him that he did and that he’d never know how to do it again. During the Hellfire Gala, Reed tells Tony Stark about this. This gives Tony a reason to not trust mutants, particularly the X-Men.

Tony Stark isn’t against mutants. What he is opposed to is people abusing their powers. Xavier did that and then some. That’s why he asked Firestar to report back to him if she sees anything suspicious. However, before she can, Tony Stark will likely say something to the Avengers. Look for this to happen during the upcoming event AXE: Judgment Day where the Avengers and X-Men will brawl with the Eternals.

There’s another part of this story. Tony told Emma Frost what Xavier did. She tells him that she doesn’t believe him. However, that looked like an act for the crown. When the issue ends, Emma says she appreciates a man whose instinct isn’t to lie. Considering all of the secrets that Xavier has held from Krakoa and the Quiet Council recently (and throughout her life) Emma knows that Tony is telling the truth.

Emma Frost denies Clea Strange

Last year, Doctor Strange was killed in the Marvel Comics event Death of Doctor Strange. After he died, Clea became Sorcerer Supreme of the realm – a job that she reluctantly took. When she learned about Krakoa’s Resurrection Protocols, she thought Krakoa could bring Stephen Strange back. Unfortunately, she was denied by Emma Frost.

Clea tells Emma that it’s not just because Stephen Strange was her husband but that this isn’t her world and it doesn’t need her as Sorcerer Supreme; it needs Doctor Strange. Emma, however, tells her that the Resurrection Protocols only work on mutants. That said, she does leave Clea with some encouraging parting words, saying:, “…perhaps I’m speaking to the woman who will be the better Sorcerer Supreme.”

This could be the motivation that Clea needs to be greater than she realizes she is.

Emma and Cyclops share secrets

Emma Frost was visibly upset at Cyclops for revealing the secret of Krakoa’s Resurrection Protocols, but Cyclops tells her that he had to. If he didn’t reveal what happened, the enemies of mutants would have used the secret against them. Emma may not have liked it, but she understood. Then, Cyclops lets Emma into his mind and she sees everything the X-Men have been battling. Among them is Mr. Sinister. He’s been working with Orchis to destroy Krakoa. He also believes or knows he is the original and that the Nathaniel Essex on the Quiet Council is one of his clones.

Emma takes the information and lets Cyclops in on a Quiet Council secret. She telepathically shows him how Moira helped create Krakoa. Emma also lets him know how living so many timelines has driven Moira crazy and that she’s coming after Krakoa. It’s so much for Cyclops to handle that he has to take a minute before letting Jean Grey know what’s going on.

The X-Men’s permanent death

Lastly, we have the most dangerous moment of them all. Moira MacTaggert told the Eternals that the mutants are deviants. Since the Eternals’ main mission is to destroy Deviants, they’re biologically compelled to destroy them (that and some shenanigans from Druig).

With the Resurrection Protocols, it would be impossible to keep them down for good. But Moira tells them that killing The Five (Tempest, Egg, Proteus, Elixir, and Hope Summers) will stop mutants from coming back to life. This will come into play during AXE: Judgment Day.

Stay tuned to Bam Smack Pow for more as it develops.

dark. Next. Marvel reveals its new X-Men team (with some surprising choices)

What do you think, readers? How will these moments affect the rest of Marvel Comics? Let us know in the comments below.