Which Hulk is stronger?
As of right now, Bruce Banner is still the strongest Hulk. When the two cousins had their fight, it was pretty even. However, there wasn’t anything Jennifer could do to hurt Bruce. That could be attributed to Jennifer not knowing what she’s capable of. Her thunder-clap worked, but it took more of a build up. Bruce only needed one.
This is where it gets tricky. In Jennifer’s defense, they weren’t trying to hurt each other. Things may have been different if she was truly enraged since Bruce isn’t in touch with his inner monster. That said, Jennifer’s life may prove to be more difficult than her cousin’s. This means she could reach a level that Bruce can’t get to since he’s still Smart-Hulk. That leaves this writer to believe that Jennifer has the potential to be stronger.
Jennifer Walters has spent her entire life not letting the anger out. Because of how the world looks at angry women, she always had to remain quiet or let it out in private. Now, she’s Mean and Green. The world has to fear her instead of the other way around. She’s free to be as angry as she wants.
Until Bruce becomes the rage monster that everyone knows, She-Hulk may be the strongest there is.
What do you think, readers? Is Bruce Banner or Jennifer Walter the strongest of the two? Let us know in the comments below.