Werewolf by Night saw Marvel get monstrous for the very first time, but what does the ending of the Halloween special really mean?
Well, Happy Halloween Marvel fans. The studio gifted viewers this spooky season with the first ever Marvel TV special created for Disney Plus: Werewolf by Night.
A thrilling story unlike anything we’ve seen from the MCU thus far, it centred on a group of hunters who came together in the hopes of tracking down a huge monster that had been weakened by the Bloodstone. However, that night of terror took some unexpected turns when Jack Russell revealed his ulterior motives to audiences.
But what does it all mean for Marvel, monsters and the MCU?
*** This article contains major spoilers from Werewolf by Night ***
Werewolf by Night ending explained
Jack Russell’s participation in the evening of hunting had absolutely nothing to do with taking down the creature known as Man-Thing. No, quite the opposite, in fact, as he was there to save him. And the reason for that was simply down to the fact that they are friends.
Yes, Jack and Man-Thing (a.k.a. Ted) are besties, and to make things even more shocking, it was revealed that Jack was also a monster. But he wasn’t just any old monster. No, Jack was the Werewolf by Night.
In the end, he managed to save his friend from the hunters and himself after they forced him to turn. But he couldn’t have done any of it without the help of Elsa Bloodstone, who simply wanted the talisman and to be done with her wicked stepmother. And that’s exactly what happened when Jack and Ted paved a path of destruction through Bloodstone Manor, leaving just Elsa and the butler alive.
The ending sequence saw Jack and Ted sitting peacefully in the woods just after the former changed back. He asked if Elsa was okay, to which Man-Thing assured him she was. It’s clear there is something there between Jack and Elsa, for the Werewolf by Night within Jack did not harm her in spite of his fears that he would. He remembered her and spared her on his rampage.
Werewolf by Night had a pretty definitive ending but it did leave just enough open for a potential sequel. There is no official word on whether that will happen, but Jack, Elsa and Ted’s saga doesn’t seem like it’s over, especially now that we know monsters will play a significant role in the future of the MCU.
In spite of a happy ending for the monsters, their story is far from over.
What did you think of Werewolf by Night? Do you think there is room for more? Let us know in the comments below!